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According to a new index, International Life magazine lists the three Latin American countries as the top destinations for its retirement index, followed by Malaysia, Colombia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Spain, Thailand and Honduras. Dan presher, editor of the special project on international life, said: "our proposition is that you can live better with less money than you can Sacrifice anything, even in terms of quality of life, you can still live on half or less of the cost of living in the United States or Canada. " "The economic situation is deteriorating, and this is becoming more and more important," he added in an interview Presche, an American who now calls Ecuador home, says he and his wife live comfortably every month, and everything costs about $1.

Honduras, Thailand, Panama, Nicaraguan and Mexico offer similar lifestyles at prices comparable to those in these indices. For countries where the price is only US dollars, local beer is sold at US dollars, and retirees also have discounts on public transport and utilities. The magazine divides these countries into eight categories: housing prices and availability, special benefits for retirees, cost of living, integration and integration of local populations, entertainment and amenities, medical infrastructure, quality care and climate availability 13youcan go almost anywhere outside the United States, where the cost of living is lower, but some are more easily assimilated, "prescher said Except for New Zealand, other countries are in Latin America or Asia, mainly because of low cost of living and integration factors.

"Most of Latin America is very close to the United States, easy to reach, easy to return to, and almost everyone has some English. Presher said that although security issues are not included in the categories assessed by the index, most of them are in the index Several countries are statistically safer than the United States.


根据一项新的指数,《国际生活》杂志将这三个拉丁美洲国家列为其退休指数的首选目的地,其次是马来西亚、哥伦比亚,新西兰、尼加拉瓜、西班牙、泰国和洪都拉斯 国际生活的特别项目编辑丹·普雷舍说:“我们的主张是,你可以用更少的钱生活得更好,而不牺牲任何东西,即使在生活质量上有任何牺牲的话,你仍然可以靠你在美国或加拿大的生活成本的一半或更少来生活。”他在一次采访中补充说:“经济形势恶化,而这正变得越来越重要。”普雷舍是一名美国人,他现在把厄瓜多尔称为家,他说他和他的妻子每个月的生活都很舒适,每样东西的价格大约是1美元。

洪都拉斯、泰国、巴拿马、尼加拉瓜和墨西哥提供了类似的生活方式,价格相当在这些指数中,价格仅为美元的国家,当地啤酒售价为美元,退休人员在公共交通和公用事业等方面也有折扣。该杂志将这些国家分为八类:房产价格和可用性、退休人员的特殊福利、生活成本,融入和融入当地人口、娱乐和便利设施、医疗基础设施、优质医疗和气候的可用性 “你几乎可以去美国以外的任何地方,现在的生活成本更低,但有些地方更容易被同化,”普雷舍解释道,除了新西兰,其他国家都在拉丁美洲或亚洲,这主要是因为生活成本低和一体化因素,“拉丁美洲大部分地区离美国很近,很容易到达,很容易返回,几乎每个人都有一些英语,普雷舍尔说,尽管安全问题不在该指数所评估的类别之列,但该指数中的大多数国家在统计上比美国更安全。


Hurricane Carolina coaches Peter raviolet (right) and Brett hedikon (left) hold the Stanley Cup and wave to fans to celebrate the team's victory over Edmonton oil merchants in the NHL Championship Series in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, overtaking Washington in Raleigh, North Carolina, in a new poll in Seattle and Boston Will be rated as the most quality of life city in the United States. In a survey conducted by portfoliocom, the two cities ranked top in terms of cost of living, housing stock, education system and transportation. Both cities are in good economic conditions.

Raleigh is the only major market with rapid expansion and growth. G Scott, a demographer who created the analysis, said that "Raleigh has a well-educated workforce and impressive high-level jobs, not to mention its low unemployment rate and impressive big houses," Thomas said, adding in a statement that Washington ranked second in the survey, followed by Minneapolis Paul, Bridgey portstamford, Connecticut, and Salt Lake City Bakersfield and Fresno of California came last because of their high poverty rates and low scores in the main categories. "Bakersfield has the highest poverty rate and the lowest concentration of management and professional work among all the major markets.

Thomas explains that New Orleans and Memphis also score very low in the survey, followed by Seattle, Boston, Austin and San Jose. Washington D.C. has the highest proportion of people with managerial and professional jobs, but Omaha has the shortest commute time, on average New York City is the longest in minutes.


卡罗莱纳飓风队主教练彼得·拉维奥莱特(右)和布雷特·赫迪肯(左)紧握斯坦利杯,向球迷挥手致意,庆祝该队在北卡罗来纳州罗利市中心举行的NHL锦标赛系列赛中战胜埃德蒙顿石油商队,北卡罗来纳州罗利超过华盛顿,在一项新的民意调查中,西雅图和波士顿将被评为美国最具生活质量的城市。在Portfoliocom网站的一项调查中,这两个城市在生活成本、住房存量、教育系统和交通等方面排名靠前,这两个城市的经济状况都很好,罗利是唯一一个快速扩张和增长的主要市场,自创建该分析报告的人口统计学家G Scott Thomas说:“罗利拥有受过良好教育的劳动力和令人印象深刻的高级工作岗位,更不用说它的低失业率和令人印象深刻的大房子,”他在一份声明中补充说,华盛顿在调查中名列第二,紧随其后的是明尼阿波利斯•保罗,康涅狄格州的布里奇波特斯坦福德和盐湖城的贝克斯菲尔德和加利福尼亚州的弗雷斯诺排在最后,因为他们的贫困率很高,在主要类别中得分很低。“贝克斯菲尔德是所有主要市场中贫困率最高的,管理和专业工作集中度最低的,托马斯解释说,新奥尔良和孟菲斯在调查中得分也很低,其次是西雅图、波士顿、奥斯汀和圣何塞,华盛顿特区拥有管理和专业工作的人口比例最高,但奥马哈的通勤时间最短,平均为分钟,而纽约市则以分钟为单位最长。


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