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关于”她的朋友遍及全世界“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Her friends are all over the world。以下是关于她的朋友遍及全世界的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Her friends are all over the world

① If you want to keep your room warm, please control yourself. ② if you have food, please don't feed the animals. Please give the food to the guard on duty.

③ lady, please don't give birth to children on the bar. ④ fur coat made of skin by lady. ⑤ tooth pulled out by the latest Methodist.

6. Leave your pants here. The best result.

7. Women and other disease experts. 8.

Welcome to famous Russian art There are people burying every day except Thursday. We will send your bags to all directions. The manager has delivered the water here.


① 如果您想让您的房间保持温暖,请控制好自己②如果您有食物请不要喂动物,请将食物交给值班警卫③女士请勿在吧台上生小孩④女士用皮肤做的毛皮大衣⑤最新卫理公会教徒拔掉的牙齿⑥把裤子扔在这里最好的结果⑦女性和其他疾病专家⑧欢迎来到俄罗斯著名艺术家的墓地,除了星期四,每天都有人埋葬⑨我们会把您的包送到四面八方⑩经理亲自把这里的水送过去了。


Birthday celebrations are different all over the world, so we Chinese have something special. We want to hold a birthday party. Please enjoy the birthday cake with us.

We can't stay before we blow out the candle. The shopkeeper said that it's easy to make your birthday wish come true.




New year's celebrations are held all over the world New York held a grand celebration in Times Square, and the United States became one of the last countries to welcome the new year in New York. Nearly a million revelers counted down in the last few seconds, and a glittering 6-ton Watford crystal ball fell from the square. Subsequently, countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia were welcoming the arrival of the new year I wish the event will be held all over the world.

Fireworks lit up the sky in dozens of cities to celebrate the arrival of Athens celebrations. Moscow and London, Dubai held a light show on the world's tallest building in the new year, while in Italy, Pope Benedict visited the birthplace of Jesus in St. Peter's Square.

Asian countries are the first to hold a grand new year's Eve Gala in Sydney and Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar. It is the first time that the Philippines has emerged from a decade of military dictatorship, which often bans large public gatherings in the southern Philippines. In India, many hotels and bars have been downsized or canceled.

A young woman died after gang rape in New Delhi on Saturday. Out of respect for her, the party on New Year's Eve shocked the nation.


新年的庆祝活动在世界各地展开 纽约在时代广场举行盛大的庆祝活动,美国成为最后一个在纽约迎接新年的国家之一,近百万的狂欢者在最后几秒倒数,一个亮晶晶的6吨重的沃特福德水晶球从广场上落下,随后,欧洲、中东和亚洲的国家都在迎接新年的到来,庆祝活动在全球各地展开。烟花照亮了数十座城市的天空,庆祝雅典庆祝活动的到来,莫斯科和伦敦迪拜在新的xx年里,在世界最高的建筑上举行了一场灯光秀,而在意大利,Pope Benedict参观了圣彼得广场的耶稣诞生地。亚洲国家是第一个在新年盛大的新年晚会,在悉尼和香港缅甸最大的城市仰光举行了盛大的除夕。



标签: 高三 高分 作文 世界 朋友

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