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关于”我的第xx年带“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:My first year with。以下是关于我的第xx年带的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My first year with

In my freshman year, many high school graduates mistakenly believe that college life is completely free from worries. After a period of serious and serious study in senior three, these hardworking beavers hope to have a rest and form some habits. Many people may later find that the situation may be beyond their expectation.

I try to persuade the adults around me that they think my college students Life is a free and unrestrained life. What misunderstanding does this have in reality? School life is so busy, I sometimes wonder whether my energy is enough in my freshman year. My life is mainly composed of learning and practice.

The main task is to learn to get a high GPA. I must adapt to the life style of University and start a new learning pursuit. This is the learning method To show most of the differences between high school study and college study, there is a roommate who goes out to class in the morning and studies in the evening and comes back after the classroom is closed.

The behavior of my peers made me feel pressure in University. A complete outlook on life was formed and strengthened. I began to plan my future plans and realized that learning itself was a thing for me.

The more I memorize the course, the more mature my college education will be to ensure that students have better jobs. I usually think that it is worthwhile to take time to study, because it bears the important events of occupation, occupation and responsibility, learning and practice to some extent. They are intertwined.

From the beginning of freshman year, the student union has been almost completely recognized. Here, people can exercise their abilities, use their abilities, and make many friends with the same interests. But sometimes, social activities and practice are very time-consuming.

What's more, the sense of responsibility also requires you to work hard to complete a task that no one starts from where he or she is now. Sometimes this is what he or she wants to do, and only when you are ready, the opportunity will be It will lead you to some unforeseen paths. My first year of college was not relaxed, but I was full of curiosity and satisfaction.

Time consumed you. This is my reason.





2:我在学校的第xx年,Today I still remember the first day when I entered the university gate. I was too excited and happy to express my feelings. Time was flying.

I wanted to end my first year of college life. Looking back, I was really lucky to have gained so much, such as participating in various activities and attending many useful courses that I was interested in The process and so on. The biggest gain for me is the opportunity to meet all the real good friends from all over the country.

I am very grateful to think of them every time. My dear friends hope our friendship will last forever.




3:我的第xx年带,Many high school graduates mistakenly believe that college life is completely free from worries after serious and serious study in senior three. However, hard men hope to have a rest and form some habits. Many people may later find that the situation may exceed their expectations.

I try to convince the adults around me that their impression of my college life is free and unrestrained. What kind of misunderstanding is this in reality? School life is so busy that I sometimes wonder whether I have enough energy in my first year of University. My life is mainly composed of two parts: one is learning; the other is as a student, the main task is to study in order to get a high G PA, I have to adapt to the life style of University and start a new pursuit in my study.

This is a learning method to show the difference between high school study and college study. One roommate goes out to class in the morning and comes back after the classroom is closed in the evening. The behavior of my classmates made me feel that under the pressure of University, a kind of outlook on life has been completely formed and strengthened.

I began to plan my future plans and realized that learning itself is my business. The more I study hard, the more mature my college education is, the better the students will have. I usually think it is worthwhile to take time to study, because it carries important events such as occupation, occupation and responsibility to some extent.

Learning and practice are intertwined. From the beginning of freshman year, the student union has been almost completely recognized. The student union is a place where you can exercise your ability, use your ability, and make many friends with the same interests as him.

But sometimes, social activities and practice are time-consuming. Moreover, the sense of responsibility also requires you to work hard to complete a task that no one has ever started from the present position. This is what he or she wants to do.

Only if you have a prepared mind, will you have the opportunity I didn't relax in my first year of college, but I was full of curiosity and satisfaction all the way.





标签: 大学 高三 翻译 作文 范文

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