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关于”宇中学不同“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Yu middle school is different。以下是关于宇中学不同的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Yu middle school is different

There are always some different things in the world. Let's talk about our faces. We have black eyes and black hair.

We have yellow. But Americans have blue eyes and white faces. Their hair has many colors.

So, we have some different things in color J. you see, the difference is very clear, but always, The difference is very important. For example, Americans like brave people because they think it is very great.

But in China, people don't like that. We don't think it's very good. Mao Xiu is very brave.

Like a foreigner, he told others that he was very good. People didn't believe him. People thought he was proud.

So, this is the difference in our thinking There is a difference in reality. We are not as rich as Americans. We don't have so much land.

Like Americans, they don't have so many people. We don't like other people's behavior in that country, arrogance and ruthlessness. Maybe they don't like our behavior.

Taij, we have some different things in marriage. If you want to get married in China, you must listen to you Parents' ideas, you can never use your own ideas, or your parents will be very angry, but you can use your own ideas. There are many young people in the United States who love each other, but they can't marry in China.

They can only marry in the United States or other countries. Now it's better than before, but this has never happened in the United States, i.e What do you think is different from the United States and China in other aspects.




People experience things every day, they always learn to adapt to the environment, so they change themselves at different times, for example, change their habits. For me, I fell in love with reading. Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much.

I had a lot of time, but I spent a lot of time playing computers. When I was very young, I didn't think reading was interesting because I found nothing more interesting than computer games. I like reading books very much now, because there are many interesting things in books, especially novels, because there are many interesting stories.

I like reading Harry Potter. This is a good novel. I know it is one of the best-selling novels in Britain.

I always immerse myself in interesting things. I hate the word "continue" in the novel, which makes me sad, because I don't know the story I also hate words like "end" because I want to read more. My friends think I'm strange.

Maybe you can find something interesting in a book, so don't waste your time on the computer. If you read a lot, you will learn a lot.




Recently, a foreign student studying in China delivered a wonderful graduation speech, which was warmly applauded by people from all walks of life. This young man shared his experience of facing different cultures in the past four years. He chose to accept the differences and learned the good side that he felt lucky to study abroad and have the opportunity to learn.

The difference is that with the development of globalization, the world has become smaller and smaller. However, due to the differences in culture, there are still great misunderstandings between people in different countries, so communication is very important It's the only way to reduce misunderstandings. World peace is always the mainstream.

The world is beautiful because of its diversity. Let us embrace differences and enjoy the diversity of all things.




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