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关于”国外教育的好处“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Benefits of education abroad。以下是关于国外教育的好处的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Benefits of education abroad

In recent years, more and more parents tend to send their children to study abroad. Foreign education has many advantages, which is beyond our country's education. Many excellent scholars start their education from foreign universities, and then make their excellent works into foreign education.

The advantages are as follows: the United States and Britain have the best universities, and famous traditional universities such as Cambridge and Oxford These universities have a long history and mature teaching resources. Students can enjoy the best educational resources and communicate with the best professors. Second, one of the main characteristics of foreign education is that if students want to enter famous universities, they should pay attention to creative work.

In universities, they should not only do well in exams, but also participate in social activities. Sometimes, the latter is more important than the former. This educational idea is beneficial to students' creativity.




2:,In the UK, children must go to school until the age of two, and compulsory education currently ends on the last Friday in June, during which students reach the legal age. The government proposes to raise the age until students have to continue to receive some form of education or training. Students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will take the GCSE in phases during the year (GCSE in gsce subjects begins at the beginning of the year) (age and final examinations are held at the end of the year (age in public schools is English, mathematics, science, in England Religious education and physical education are studied at a critical stage (GCSE's school years), and some form of ICT and citizenship must be studied.

In Wales, Wales, other subjects must be studied, chosen by individual students, and also studied in Scotland. In contrast, GCSE is the standard grade after completion of GCSE. Some students leave school and others enter technology While others continue to study in high school for two years and take a series of standardized examinations, A-levels, which determine whether a student is eligible for college.




3:国外教育的好处,In recent years, more and more parents tend to send their children to study abroad. Foreign education has many advantages, which is beyond our country's education. Many excellent scholars start their education from foreign universities, and then make their excellent works into foreign education.

The advantages are as follows: the United States and Britain have the best universities, and famous traditional universities such as Cambridge and Oxford These universities have a long history, rapid development and mature teaching resources. Students can enjoy the best educational resources and communicate with the best professors. One of the main characteristics of foreign education is to pay attention to innovative work.

If students want to enter famous universities, they should not only do well in exams, but also take part in social activities. Sometimes the latter is more important than the former. This kind of education concept is of great importance to students It's good creativity.




标签: 英文 高分 七年级 作文 外教

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