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关于”我最喜欢的运动是羽毛球“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My favorite sport is badminton。以下是关于我最喜欢的运动是羽毛球的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favorite sport is badminton

I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby. I like reading for three reasons.

First of all, books introduce me to a new world. The world is rich and colorful, and there is no limitation of time and space. Through reading, I can trace back to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization.

It can bring me to the United States, A fascinating land that I've always wanted to visit. Second, reading can improve myself by showing my new vision. In the past few years, most of my knowledge has been gained from the books I have learned from many people by reading their views on science, politics, life and society.

Third, reading has set up between my dreams and my goals Bridge, in order to succeed in my future career, I must constantly read, think and practice reading has become a part of my life. I spend some time reading books, newspapers and magazines in the evening. Without a novel, I can hardly go to the steep slope.





2:我最喜欢的运动是羽毛球,I like badminton very much, because playing badminton has many advantages, it is very interesting, and even the athletes with medium technical level can jump in directly to enjoy the social benefits of teamwork and the health benefits brought by cardiovascular exercise. It can keep us healthy, it can make us feel excited and it can make us happier It can make us flexible, it can increase our endurance, attention and action ability, it can cultivate willpower, it can let us get them out of trouble, this is a very good way, I get a lot of fun from it, in addition, badminton is a high physical game, and in mixed doubles there are also spiritual challenges, team cooperation is formed The key to a strong partnership. I play badminton.

I think it's a great sport. It can make you meet a lot of new friends and enjoy yourself. It's good for my eyes, feet and body.




3:我最喜欢的运动是羽毛球,The pupils began to play table tennis when they were very young. Table tennis is not only played in schools, but also a favorite sport for workers and people from all walks of life. In fact, table tennis has become a national sport.

There are some other popular sports, such as badminton, martial arts and fencing. Although they are not played, they are all popular sports. Like table tennis, they are all traditional sports.

Football, basketball, volleyball and other ball games. In order to keep healthy and win honor, men and women, old and young, actively participate in sports. The Chinese government has taken effective measures to promote sports Sports enhance people's health.

You can see that people like different sports. Many people run, walk or practice boxing in the open space early in the morning. Now sports are booming in our country.





标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题

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