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As a developing country, China still has a long way to go to catch up with or even surpass the developed countries. Education is very important and should be put in the first place. Moreover, with the progress of modern science and technology, education seems to be equally important to individuals.

The education of labor force is the most important. The success of many developed countries shows that a country is prosperous It depends on the quality of its labor force, that is, a well-educated workforce.





2. Through their own study efforts and professional skills, only through practice to stabilize the employment principle, improve professional and technical ability, and develop their own better in the future, college students can be closer to their desire for the company through practice, and provide reference for future employment and internship is a process that graduate students must experience, and a proof is also your ability, especially in the University Enterprise internship, can give full play to your talents and professional skills learned in school, deepen the understanding of the cause, love or be good at the industry, which proves that college students are a real working environment in the process of practice. Different from the school, to improve their comprehensive quality and work experience, they have some deficiencies and work unfamiliar and technical school and workplace, learning And work, students and employees are a qualitative change, they are very different from practice, formal employment from students to employees, from learning to work, from school to enter the workplace, in order to truly contact the experience of workplace practice, employment will go a lot less detours, practice can increase their competitive advantage, and internship is also a kind of work experience, there are people in the interview If you have any work experience, most graduate students have no work experience, but internship is your work experience and experience, so internship is very good for finding a job.




3:学生的重要性,Honesty means to tell the truth, to be an honest and upright person, to lie and cheat is to be honest. Dishonest people do not rely on hard work but get rich in other ways. Honesty is a good virtue.

If you are honest all the time, you will be trusted and respected by others. Liars are always looked down upon and regarded as black sheep because you lie, even if you tell the truth, people will never believe you. However, in today's commodity economy, it seems that more and more people believe in money and sacrifice honesty, such as health, beauty, money, wisdom, honesty, reputation and talent.

Honesty is the only thing that can be forgotten. They do not understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the greatest wealth of mankind and the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think these people are compassionate.





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