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关于”说自己数学很好“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Said he was good at math。以下是关于说自己数学很好的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Said he was good at math

Mandy's going to Paris. She's on a plane. She's in the first class.

A stewardess comes to tell her to get on the coach. She says she won't move. The co pilot comes over and whispers something in her ear.

She gets up and becomes a coach. The other two asked him how he did it, and he said he told her that this part of the plane would not go.




There are three key ways to learn cnesets from BBC: interest, engagement and practice. First, interest is the best teacher. If you want to learn Chinese well, you must cultivate your interest in learning Chinese.

Interest can help you fight against what you like to do. For example, you like watching TV, so you can watch some Chinese TV with subtitles in your mother tongue. If you like chatting, you can chat with Chinese people online in Chinese, or in other ways, you must insist on learning not to input or output, so you must learn some Chinese characters or phrases every few days.




Afeb9ee7ad triangle isosceles triangle bottom vertex angle base angle right triangle hypotenuse corresponding side corresponding angle inverse theorem vertical bisector symmetry point axis symmetry quadrilateral convex quadrilateral diagonal polygon pentagonal parallelogram rectangle rhombus right angle symmetry trapezoid isosceles trapezoid area proportion section golden section similar figure similar triangle similarity ratio circle center circle radius circumference Chord diameter arc number main arc small arc semicircle segment circle sector circumscribed circle outer radius circumscribed circle inner circle concentric circle circle circle trajectory is reduced to the point of tangent of regular polygon geometry structure.




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