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关于”怎么用写一篇兔子“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:How to write a rabbit。以下是关于怎么用写一篇兔子的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to write a rabbit

Rabbit is a small and lovely animal, it has red eyes and long ears, there are many kinds of rabbits in the world, but almost all rabbits are black or white, it is a very common animal, left the world, it mainly eat vegetables, can also eat some fruit, it is very gentle, rarely attack people.




Rabbit ['r æ B ᠬ t] [R æ B ᠬ t] n VI continue rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit rabbit I saw the foreigner come to eat, the dog chased the rabbit into its cave, I listen like a rabbit with long ears. Even if I am as slow as you, I have learned my English https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0.


兔子['ræbɪt]['ræbɪt]n vi继续兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子兔子我看到外国人来吃饭时,狗把兔子追进了它的洞穴,我像一只长耳朵的小兔子一样认真地听着,即使我跟你一样慢,我也学会了我的英语“:https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0。


One day, the rabbit laughed at the tortoise for its short feet and slow speed. The Tortoise replied, "you may be as fast as the wind, but I will beat you in the game." The rabbit thought that this idea was impossible. He agreed with the suggestion that the fox should choose the route and decide the date of the end of the race.

The tortoise came and the hare started together. The tortoise didn't stop for a moment. He walked slowly but smoothly.

At the end of the race, the rabbit ran very fast and stopped to lie down. But he finally fell asleep soon. He woke up and tried his best Run fast, but when he got to the finish line, he saw that the tortoise was already there, sleeping comfortably behind her.




标签: 英文 高分 五年级 作文 年级

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