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关于”对孙子兵法的看法“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Views on Sun Tzu's art of war。以下是关于对孙子兵法的看法的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on Sun Tzu's art of war

In all battles, direct methods can be used to fight, but in order to win, indirect methods and indirect tactics are needed. They are inexhaustible like the heaven and earth, and the rivers are like the sun and the moon. They end and start again.

Like the four seasons, they pass away and return. Moreover, there are no more than five notes. However, the combination of these five notes produces There are more melodies than we can hear - no more than five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, black), but they combine to produce more hues than we can see, no more than five main flavors (sour, spicy, salt, sweet, bitter, but their combination produces more flavor than we can taste in combat, no more than two ways Dealing with direct and indirect, but the combination of these two methods will produce a series of endless actions, direct and indirect mutual restraint, like moving a person who can use up the possibility of their combination in a cycle you will never think of.

The beginning of the army is like the torrent of torrents, and even rolling stones in the process. The quality of decision is like the timely pounce of a falcon. It can attack and destroy its victims.

Therefore, a good fighter is terrible in his attack. In his decision-making, the rapid energy can be compared to the bending of a bow and crossbow, just like releasing a trigger in the battle of chaos and chaos. In chaos and chaos, there may be chaos but no real chaos, Your array may not have a head and tail, but it will be evidence of failure to fight, simulate chaos, assume perfect discipline, simulate fear, assume courage, simulate weakness, assume strength, and the order hidden under the cloak of chaos is only a subdivision problem.

Hide courage under the expression of cowardice assume that a potential energy conceals strength with weakness is affected by tactical deployment, so be good at it The man who makes the enemy move will maintain a false appearance. According to this illusion, the enemy will take action. He will sacrifice something so that the enemy can take it with bait, and then let him wait for him with a team of elite people.




2:孙子兵法观,There is no example of a country benefiting from a long war. Only those who know the evils of war can fully understand the benefits of war. A skilled soldier will not levy a second tax, and his supply vehicle will not bring more than two war supplies from his home.

However, taking the enemy as food will make the army have enough food. If the Treasury is poor, the army will rely on donations from afar. On the other hand, the people will be impoverished.

If the soldiers are close to the city, the prices will rise, and the people's materials will be exhausted, the peasants will be severely demanded The loss of material and strength will deprive the people of their homes, and three-thirds of their income will be squandered, and the government's spending on broken cars, depilated horses, breastplates and helmets, bows and arrows, spears and shields, shields, windmills and heavy trucks will account for four tenth of its total income In the same way, in order to kill the enemy, our people must be furious. Because it is good to defeat the enemy, there must be rewards in chariot fighting. When there are more than ten chariots, the person who takes our own flag first should be rewarded to replace the enemy's flag, chariot and ours When chariots are used together, captured soldiers should be treated and preserved.

This is the so-called use of conquered enemies to enhance their strength. Then, let your great goal be victory, not a long campaign. In this way, we can know that the leader of the army is the master of the people's destiny, and whether the country is in peace or in danger depends on who

① III strategic attack.




3:对孙子兵法的看法,Sun Tzu's art of war was translated by Lionel Giles. Sun Tzu said: the art of war is of vital importance to the country, a matter of life and death, and a road to safety or destruction. Therefore, it is a research topic that can not be ignored.

In this way, when the commander of heaven and earth tries to follow the moral conditions of any man, he can not be influenced by the moral conditions of any man in the field of heaven and earth Day and night, hot and cold, all seasons, vast territory, small and small dangers, safety and open, life and death opportunities. The wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage and strict virtues represented by commanders should understand the command of the army with methods and discipline. In the proper division, the division of officers' ranks, the maintenance of roads supplied to the army, and the control of military expenditure, every general should be familiar with these five leaders: those who know them will surely win, and those who know them will not fail Which of the two conditions should you consider as the basis of the military law? Which general has the most ability and who has the advantage from heaven and earth? Which side has the most strict discipline and which side has a stronger army? According to these seven considerations, I can predict victory or failure, no matter in terms of rewards and punishments.

As long as a general follows my advice and puts it into action, he will surely win: let such a man remain in power, and a general who disobeys my advice or does not act on my advice will suffer Suffer and fail: that's it. A fired person also leads the profits. My lawyer, you can take advantage of anything that helps, in addition to the general rules.




标签: 初一 英文 高分 作文 看法

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