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I think, I think, I think, I think maybe, maybe you shouldn't smoke. Let us not smoke for the people, for the people, for the people. Gettysburg Address eighty seven years ago, our fathers founded on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal now, and they are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether this country, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can last.

We have met on one of the great battlefields of this war, and we have come here to dedicate part of the battlefield to the final resting place of those who have given their lives for the survival of this country. We are entirely appropriate, and we should do this, but in a larger sense, we can't dedicate, we can't consecrate this land, we can't sanctify this land, whether it's alive or dead, they've fought here, they've sanctified this land, far beyond our meagre power to increase or decrease the world, i What they said here will not be remembered for a long time, but what they have done here will never be forgotten; it is for us, for the sake of our living people, rather than dedicated here to the unfinished work that the men who fought here have so far advanced, rather than to the great task before us, from these glorious deaths We are determined here that the dead will not die in vain. Under the protection of God, a new freedom will be born in this country, and the government of the people, by the people and for the people, will not disappear from the earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, students, distinguished guests, Mr President, distinguished judges.





Tips for a successful interview so, you're going to have an interview in ethnobotany. It's a great opportunity for you to learn more about the importance of plants in human life. There's a lot to learn from the elderly in the community.

This list of tips is designed to help you get the most out of the interview. Don't forget your materials. You need the interview guide we gave you A writing notebook, a pen or pencil, a clipboard, or even a tape recorder make sure you introduce yourself to the interviewer friendly, listen carefully, look at your interview guide, say you just asked a question, where were you born, and the interview might answer, "I was born in Miami, Florida, and lived here all my life.

If that's the case, you'll Don't ask them when they were born, where they grew up, or how long they lived in Miami, and if you don't understand something, don't be afraid to have your interviewer repeat it. If the person you're interviewing starts talking about a trip to Paris or winning a prize, try to keep working, don't be rude, if you think you need help, try to get them back to the topic by asking another question, or not sure what to do next. Don't be afraid to ask someone to help you, and most importantly, have a good time.




When we were on holiday in Oahu Island, we were waiting for some tramps to appear in the tour bus. A man who was obviously not in our team approached the bus and was about to get on the bus. We were very puzzled about how our driver would deal with this situation.

He went straight to the door and asked to go to the nudist settlement. Oh, no, sir. The passenger would retreat quickly every time the driver blinked "Oahu n straggler n show up approach V is about todo board We are waiting for some people to appear in our coach.

A man is obviously not on the bus of our team and wants to get on the bus. How can our driver know what we want to know? He leans on the door. Oh, no, the passenger answers quickly.

① the straggler is near. ③ the handle is ④ retreat.


在瓦胡岛度假的时候,我们在旅游车里等着一些流浪者的出现,一个显然不在我们团队里的人走近巴士,正要上车,我们的司机会如何处理这种情况,我们很疑惑,他径直向车门靠去,问到去裸体主义者聚居地,哦不,先生回答说,会是乘客快速撤退每次司机眨眨眼说“Oahu n straggler n show up approach v是关于todo board v的直面adj天体主义群体快速撤退练习①我们在我们的旅游车里等着一些人出现②一个男人显然不在我们团队的巴士上,要上车③我们的司机怎么会我们想知道的情况④他靠在门上⑤哦不,乘客很快回答①掉队者②靠近③把手④朝⑤撤退。


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