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关于”邀请朋友参加毕业典礼“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Invite friends to the graduation ceremony。以下是关于邀请朋友参加毕业典礼的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invite friends to the graduation ceremony

It's been three unforgettable years in our lives. Looking back on the first day we came to school, it was so vivid and felt like what had just happened. We were in a moment of separation.

I know we graduated to celebrate our achievements here. However, at the same time, I can't help feeling sad because many of us will never see each other again We have no great teachers to teach us life and other things. I congratulate us on our successful graduation from this school and wish us a better journey in the future.




Last week, I finished my high school life. I'm going to high school soon. I have my graduation ceremony.

My parents came to my school to attend the ceremony. I'm very happy. My friends and I took a lot of pictures.

I think I'm growing up. I'm becoming more mature. I'll soon become a high school student.

At the graduation ceremony, my friends and I sang a song. We remembered What happened in these three years, realizing that our friendship is so deep, we promise that we will always keep our friendship. I'm excited about my future life and I think I can handle it.




Mr. Ma Yuanbo has made great contributions to the construction of our country. We have also learned that you often tell me about my experience on the road to success, and we are eager for you to do so.

If you agree, we will arrange for you to come to our school sometime next week. Please contact me at the following telephone number: XXX, or send me an email to this address: XXX, so that we can get the exact lecture time and look forward to you Reply your sincere XXX as soon as possible.




标签: 小学 作文 万能 毕业 朋友

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