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关于”一天的安排“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Day arrangement。以下是关于一天的安排的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Day arrangement

(a possible version) this table shows the results of a survey on how to spend the weekend. It says that very few students are more focused on their homework. They prefer to surf the Internet, watch TV and go shopping instead of participating in sports games, libraries and interest groups.

But I don't think it's very good. Now students have got rid of the heavy burden, but their jobs Their spare time is not well arranged. They should spend their time studying instead of hanging out.

More time should be spent not only on the green space, but also in the library to exercise themselves. In addition, we should also set up more interest groups for students, broaden their horizons, use their brains, and finally make them more creative, which is of great help to a knowledgeable and high-quality youth. In a word, students should arrange more colorful and effective holiday activities.





2:日安排,I had a good time during the Spring Festival holiday. I went to the park with my friends. We met at the school gate at eight o'clock.

We went to the park by bike. It's a lovely day. We sat under a big tree and chatted.

We saw some movies and some interesting things. We had lunch there, hamburgers and drinks, but I knew they were not healthy and were not good for us, and then we played some games and we all felt very tired, but we were very happy that it was very interesting.






3:一天的安排,My national day is coming, I am very happy, because I like holidays, I think I can sleep for a long time, I plan some time to take care of my mother, my mother is not comfortable, so I help my mother wash clothes, wash dishes or clean the room in the evening, I have a good time with my friends, my holiday is very busy, but my holiday is very happy.




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