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关于”幽默的力量题目“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The power of humor。以下是关于幽默的力量题目的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The power of humor

As we all know, Ping An was selected as the lead singer of CCTV Spring Festival Gala. He made great achievements on this dreamy stage. Although he did not win the audience's love at the beginning, he always kept his dream in mind and never gave up.

It was his success that brought strength to me. Life without dream is a life without sun. Therefore, in office Under no circumstances can we give up our dreams without any doubt.

Dreams are very important to one thing. A person with dreams will be regarded as more responsible and unswerving in pursuing our dreams. Good habits and positive attitudes can be formed to contribute to the success of our students.

What we should do is to choose a healthy one Knowledge is the foundation of dream realization. Secondly, we should spend a lot of time on learning to enrich ourselves. If we want to realize our dream in the end, we need courage and confidence, but it is equally important that when we encounter difficulties, we should not be timid, but be brave.




2:幽默的力量,Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, it is very convenient for people to obtain all kinds of information. Many fans track their idols through the Internet. Sometimes they use the network to transmit information to protect their idols, while some unwise fans will try to attack their idols through verbal violence.

For stars, they make ordinary people famous, and stars need more fans' support. In order to obtain fame and fortune, we see the power of fans What do stars do to hurt their feelings? They can decide the future of a star. When fans lose their mind, losing fans will make them become nobody.

This is a terrible thing. For example, many years ago, a girl threatened her idol in order to see her idol. If her idol did not come, her father would jump in The river tragedy happened, the idol felt great pressure, this is a sad story, wise is very important, so they will not do wrong.




3:幽默的力量题目,Last night, I watched a tennis match. It was the U.S. Open.

Because a Chinese female player came to the semi-final, I stayed up late to watch the match. She was injured twice. Although she still wanted to end the game, her physical condition did not allow her to do so.

Her persistence moved so many audiences, and they gave her the most warm applause the power of persistence is huge, it will help you to release your potential and move forward, just for the sake of the players. They will face all kinds of events from time to time, but the will of persistence sometimes makes them complete the game. People win the game not because of their excellent skills, but because of their strong will.

Those who can stick to the last line will win applause 。 What's more, when people insist on completing the game, their respect for their opponents is their spirit, which deserves people's applause. Persistence is a kind of achievement, and we should keep it in mind no matter what we do.






标签: 英文 五年级 作文 万能 年级

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