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In recent years, scientists in many parts of the world have focused their money, time and energy on space research. They have launched satellites, built space stations and even walked on the moon. Space may contain the wonders and mysteries of how the universe came into being, or whether there is life on other planets besides the earth? Space exploration is of great significance.

First of all, through space exploration, human beings can discover unknown resources in the universe. It gives us knowledge of the origin of life. Second, it is to recognize the dangers and carry out scientific and technological risks.

Space exploration also provides a cooperative platform for all countries to participate in joint breakthroughs. Finally, space technology plays an indispensable role in our daily life. For example, in the near future, more countries will participate in the cause of space exploration, and the problems that have attracted mankind for centuries are also being solved.




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The company plans to use ion thrusters, a high-tech propulsion system in which propellants are ejected through an electric field. Such engines are highly efficient and can be powered from the station's solar panels, but they generate thrust The force is very small, which means that the mission of the Shenjian almaz will take at least six months, while the chemical powered spacecraft of the space exploration team will only take six days. In fact, the low-energy orbit planned by Shenjian almaz will make its crew farther away from the earth than anyone else.

This will be a long journey. One of the dangers is from the unpredictable and potentially fatal solar flares, stars The company plans to build an internal "storm shelter" to absorb radiation from the ship's water supply. Neither company will begin refitting its spacecraft, which is expected to take about three years until it sells all the seats on its first flight (two for space exploration, The third is to promote their mission to the moon to the same high-tech entrepreneurs and super rich pleasure seekers.

They have snapped up tourists from the international space station and long-term planned suborbital amusement facilities. However, they have cooperated with Virgin Galactic and other companies in space exploration Adventures has announced that it has sold a ticket, which makes Excalibur Almaz) makes the deal sweeter by offering the company's equity to the first paying passengers, but filling seats can prove tricky, not only for more than seven times the cost of flying, but also months of physical and psychological training for the ISS. Even if the project can be perfected, how many audacious billionaires are willing to spend months in metal tubes eating freeze-dried food This remains to be seen.


神剑阿尔马兹庞大的空间站将需要更多的工作来转换为月球飞船第一步将是安装发动机该公司计划使用离子推进器,一种高科技的推进系统,在这个系统中,推进剂通过电场喷射出来,这样的发动机效率极高,可以从空间站的太阳能电池板获得动力但它们产生的推力很小,这意味着神剑阿尔马兹的任务至少需要6个月,而太空探险队的化学动力飞船只需要6天事实上,由神剑阿尔马兹计划的低能轨道将使其机组人员比任何其他人离地球更远,这将是一个漫长的旅程危险的一个危险来自于不可预测的潜在致命的太阳耀斑,恒星能量的巨大释放会用辐射轰击飞船并炸死乘客以保护乘客,该公司计划建造一个内部“风暴避难所”,利用飞船的供水来吸收辐射 “ ”“两家公司都不会开始改装它的飞船,这一过程预计需要xx年左右,直到它出售了其首航航班的所有座位(两个用于太空探险,三是为神剑阿尔马兹公司推销他们的登月任务给同样的高科技企业家和超级富有的寻欢作乐者,他们抢购了国际空间站的游客和长期计划的亚轨道游乐设施,不过,与维珍银河公司(Virgin Galactic)等公司合作的“太空探险”(Space Adventures)已经宣称出售了一张机票,这使得神剑阿尔马兹(Excalibur Almaz)通过向第一批付费乘客提供该公司的股权,从而使交易更加甜蜜,但填补座位可能会被证明是棘手的,不仅要价是飞行成本的7倍多国际空间站还需要数月的身体和心理训练,即使工程可以完善,有多少胆大包天的亿万富翁愿意在金属管里关几个月吃冻干食品,这一点仍有待观察。


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