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关于”讲冰雪奇缘“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Talk about the strange fate of ice and snow。以下是关于讲冰雪奇缘的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talk about the strange fate of ice and snow

In the winter, I watched a movie called "frozen". It was about two girls named Elsa and Anna. They were very close children.

One day Elsa hurt Anna with her strength. Then Elsa began to intimidate her power and refused to give up anyone, including Anna. In this film, I learned two things: first love is for everyone It's very important because love can make us strong.

The second self-confidence can make everything come true. I think you will lose without any confidants, just like Anna, she found Elsa with her confidant and finally she did it.




"Frozen" is a Disney 3D animated film, directed by Chris Barker and Jennifer Lee, voiced by Christine bell, and released in the United States in November. Based on Andersen's snow queens, the film tells the story of little arendel forever covered with ice and snow because of a magic spell, looking for summer, Princess Anna and mountaineering Christopher and his reindeer were mobilized to embark on an adventure to save Kim dometer. By the end of July, the film won the 10th Academy Awards for best animation.

The film has become the world's highest box office animated film with a global box office of one billion US dollars, and the fifth largest box office ever made.




There are two princesses Elsa and Anna with different personalities in arendale kingdom. Elder sister Elsa is cold, elegant and charming. Elder sister Anna is lively and impulsive.

Elsa, who loves adventure, has the ability to control the ice and snow. A child and her sister accidentally bump into her sister Anna to play. However, she has not been close to the crowd, especially not close to Anna, for fear of hurting her dear sister again, Lord Elsa was asked to take over the task of commanding the Kingdom, so the door of years of retreat was opened again.




标签: 四级 作文 真题

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