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关于”圣诞节准备“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Christmas preparation。以下是关于圣诞节准备的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Christmas preparation

Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world. People in Christian countries celebrate Christmas on the first day of December every year. Christians believe that this is the birthday of Jesus Christ, but many customs and habits have gone beyond religious significance.

Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday. In this period of time, there is always a shopping boom, so for the owners, this is really a happy season.




Christmas is on December. It originated in western countries. But today, this festival has been celebrated by manufacturers all over the world.

They are very happy to make this day a shopping day. I enjoy the atmosphere here. I had a very special Christmas last year.

I experienced a western style Festival. A new foreign teacher taught us how old she was. She was very kind and we all liked her.

On Christmas day, she brought us her early desserts. In the morning, we had homemade cakes together. She invited us to her house to spend a day with her.

Then I had the first big turkey. It was so delicious. It was full of food.

It tasted after dinner Well, we all have to thank my foreign teachers for singing and dancing. Although I have experienced many American festivals today, I should remember the interesting significance of these festivals.





Today is Christmas day. It is a western festival, but it is also very popular in our country. Today, our English teacher bought us chocolate.

They are very sweet. Then, she taught us a song. Bell is a lovely song.

It's easy to sing. We learned quickly in the evening. My mother made some delicious Western food that I like this Christmas.




标签: 初三 英文 高分 作文

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