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Their typology has recently been applied to public organizations in the UK, which divides strategic participants into four types: prospectors, defenders and analysts. This paper first integrates strategic content or strategic management into o'toolemeier's formal theory of public management. Research shows that strategic content is a subset of management functions recognized in public organizations.

This paper then conducts an empirical study on the concept of strategic management. The results of large-scale, multi-year public organization sample study show that, different from the prediction of miles and snow and the empirical research results of Boyne and walker, strategy can be separated from other elements of management, and its impact on organizational performance can be significantly evaluated. We find that the defensive strategy has a significant impact on the organization The main task of the "Explorer" and "reactor" strategies are the most effective in achieving more politically influential goals in the organization's environment.




Public management public administration is the management of major theoretical issues based on the theories and methods developed in different stages in the process of pursuing the social values defined by the public. The theory of public management introduces us a set of diverse and comprehensive historical and modern theories, concepts and methods. The methods in the field of public administration provide the historical development of administrative theory and the value of different theories and methods.

Since the establishment of administration in the United States, administration has gradually extended to other western countries, which has strengthened the path of government more effectively. Arnel's administration study should start from the basis of management rather than law. Administration should turn from art to science, and administration will continue to be a problem of modern government..




Sandy Bin/F,TOWER2,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING,Beijing ObjectiveA's professional experience in personnel management / administration, Memphis Tennessee parole board, currently director of human resources and employee development, provides leadership in the fields of personnel, wages, labor relations, training, etc., and actively manages the personnel / payroll system to meet the needs of management and employees, in consultation with the chairman, executive director, managers and supervisors Ensure that the policies comply with applicable regulations and rules, establish appropriate complaint procedures with the regulatory agency's affirmative action plan, and resolve labor disputes. Act as the liaison of regulatory authorities: eohs, oer, DPA, AA state office and Pera, maintain employee training programs, communicate with legal staff, and handle progressive discipline and appeals. Connashville insurance company, TN director of human resources maintains a smooth workflow, supervises claims adjudication, enforces claims payments internal audit coordinates activities with reinsurance insurers, hires / terminates, trains, supervises and assigns personnel to determine technical decisions and payments responsible for computer maintenance (IBM series 1) To ensure compliance with state / local regulations on holidays, vacations, etc., the Central Personnel Office coordinates the state wide reclassification research or organization of questionnaires, personal interviews, and desk audit evaluation / analysis.

Data rewriting is described as the preparation study package approved by legislation, the establishment of relevant management personnel, documents involving different personnel, and recruitment of Milligan College, personnel management and human resources courses currently at Wesleyan College, Tennessee, Nashville, tnba degree.


Sandy Bin/F,TOWER2,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING,Beijing Objectivea从事人事管理/行政管理工作的职业经验孟菲斯Tennessee假释委员会,现任人力资源和员工发展总监,在人事、工资、劳资关系、培训等领域提供领导,和积极行动管理人事/工资系统,以满足管理层和员工的需要与董事长、执行董事、管理人员和主管协商,确保政策符合适用的法规、规则,与法规推进机构平权行动计划确定适当的申诉程序,解决劳动争议,作为监管部门的联络人机构:EOHS,OER,DPA,AA州办公室和PERA维护员工培训计划,与法律员工沟通,处理进步纪律和申诉。康纳什维尔保险公司,TN人力资源总监保持平稳的工作流程监督索赔裁决执行索赔支付内部审计与再保险承保人协调活动雇佣/终止、培训、监督和委派人员确定的技术决策和付款负责计算机维护(IBM Series I)和更新人员档案为确保遵守州/地方有关假日、假期等的规定,中央人事办公室协调全州的重新分类研究或组织的问卷调查、个人访谈和案头审计评估/分析研究数据重写工作描述为立法批准的准备研究包建立相关管理人员涉及不同人员的文件相关项目招聘米利根学院,人事管理和人力资源课程目前田纳西州威斯里凡学院,纳什维尔,TNBADegree,管理行为动词给出职位描述punch继续教育表明候选人对其职业生涯的持续承诺。


标签: 英文 高分 作文 专业 公共

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