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Lefook shoes are very popular in high school shoes, not those children who wear casual shoes. If we baby boomers laughed at walking shoes, running shoes, mountaineering shoes, climbing shoes, squash shoes, dash shoes and 100 yuan sports shoes when we were children, the young people would forgive us. We used to have tennis shoes, black or white, and under today's conditions, the price is about the United States About yuan.

In junior high school, ID bracelets are very popular, but they don't have chains or necklaces, gold or other pocket protectors, and they're not as widely used as you think. I'm not an expert on it, but girls aren't pierced because I remember many of them never wore earrings and didn't wear them in school. Many girls confiscate their father's long sleeve white shirt and put it on after the establishment of the permanent press in the late S, but I still remember ironing the shirt in college, and the permanent media still didn't report more about shoes: the shoes we wore at that time, at least in the place where I grew up, for us, there were not many choices: dress shoes, tennis shoes, usually with laces.

Shoes are black or white, usually white. There are no Reebok shoes and no walking shoes. There are only women's tennis shoes, including flat shoes, low heels, high heels, tennis shoes and penny Loafersa barefoot means you need a new pair of shoes.

No boots are for riding. Except when it's snowing and raining, we wear rubber shoes. Yes, this is the rubber "overalls" of winter uppers.

We wear boots for men and big boots for men. Girls usually wear boots and take their ordinary shoes to some place, and then when they get to the place they are going to, they change their clothes Life is hard.



鞋子是黑色或白色的,通常是白色的没有锐步鞋,没有“步行鞋”只有女性的网球鞋,有平底鞋、低跟鞋、高跟鞋,网球鞋和penny loafersA露脚趾意味着你需要一双新鞋没有靴子是用来骑马的除了下雪下雨的时候我们穿橡胶鞋是的,这就是冬天鞋帮的橡胶“工装裤”,我们穿靴子给男人穿大靴子女孩们通常穿靴子带着他们的普通鞋去某个地方,然后当他们到了他们要去的地方时就换了衣服,那时生活很艰难。


Today, I inadvertently saw such an article on the Internet: "money is not necessarily happy", the article "money is not necessarily happy". Isn't it a party of Yuanshi County, one of the richest students in his class after years of struggle, your private words are the words that such a successful person has said before, which is impressive and unforgettable at this time For a period of time, he still remembered that as a famous film and television personage, he said: "we are among several sisters, and now it is your mother's blessing." someone said to her: "look at the other XX, they are the same daughter-in-law, one." her mother replied, "I think I'm living very well." so to be honest, if only in the taste of the people closest to him can we realize it I used to envy my relatives for being so good. When I saw so many movie and TV stars, when I watched variety shows in Beijing, so many people watched movie and TV stars like this.

They thought in their hearts: they know more, they don't disturb them. After all, they go shopping and shopping. They don't have their own team.

At this time, the old mother, who is also missed, is getting old at home this year In the hospital, they have been doing everything possible to care for immortality. I will never forget that I sincerely wish the people to take good care of their own health. Your health, happiness and longevity are the greatest wishes of our younger generation.




It is an undeniable fact that individuals see the world in their own way. It is true that some people think that material is crucial to their lifestyle, so the more things they have, the happier they are. For those who pay more attention to spiritual experience and pursue wealth, status and reputation may be the least interesting things for them.

In contrast, they pay attention to their families, and they are taking care of their relatives, reading books and enjoying themselves The spiritual achievement and happiness of enjoying music and art may bring them great self affirmation and happiness.




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