Etiquette education is an important part of quality education, which helps to build a harmonious society. However, due to the lack of etiquette education in schools and families, etiquette education, as an important part of moral education, has attracted more and more attention. Due to the bad social environment, many college students know little about etiquette, so their bad behavior is quite common, such as they do not respect it Their professors and old people, who talk loudly in the library, don't care what to wear in public.
At the same time, we should set up a good example of good etiquette for college students.
When eating, use a knife, fork and cut a small piece of meat, which is exactly the size of one piece, one piece. Don't cut the whole piece at once. When eating pasta, use a fork and slowly roll out the noodles.
The most convenient five forks can also be eaten with a spoon and fork. The spoon and fork help to control the greasy mouth of noodles. Do not smoke or splash the juice anywhere To put the whole piece of meat in your mouth with a fork, bite, chew and swallow.
Since we went to school, we have been taught to be polite. Young people and old people should abide by the rules of etiquette and have a good communication with each other. But today, some people ignore the rules and regard their rude behavior as cool.
People advocate personality. So the younger generation wants to do something different to attract people's attention, such as their absence They just show what they want to say, and they think they are very cool. It's a very rude behavior, they don't respect others, they have the wrong idea of personality.
We can do something special with respect for others, obey the rules, or we're just rude people.
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