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关于”春天的优章“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Excellent chapter of spring。以下是关于春天的优章的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Excellent chapter of spring

Spring is a pleasant season. The temperature is moderate. The trees and flowers in full bloom make the city full of colors.

This is when we can start to wear lighter and more colorful clothes. When we go to outdoor activities, younger children like to take kites to the spacious square. I also like to go back to the village for winter.

September 7th is a good season for all outdoor sports. This is a football season, because it is very popular, it is often called the national sport. I often watch TV and read newspapers about the football results of the minor league in summer.

I like to go to the beach often because it's very popular. After a few months of school in the city, I usually go there to relax during the summer vacation. For me, autumn or autumn begins in September.

When school starts a new semester, I usually go shopping. The mild weather makes me very happy to study outside. The trees in a small park near my home.

I like to watch the color of the leaves change from green to red and yellow, and then to brown. There are many bright autumn flowers in the park. Sometimes I see a little squirrel come down from the tree on weekends and forage on the ground.

Sometimes I like to fly kites. Usually on the street corner, you can see street vendors selling hot baked sweet potatoes. This is a good time of the year.

Winter is very cold and windy in most parts of China. I usually look forward to the Spring Festival and winter vacation, when I can go to the southern climate In warm places, I'm also looking forward to seeing my grandparents and my friends during these holidays. Winter is a time when everyone in the city has a festival atmosphere.

Because it's very cold outside, I usually read books at home.






2:,However, with the rapid development of science and technology in our country, many advantages and disadvantages of distance education have appeared. The proponents of distance education have put forward the following views on network technology: distance education enables people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in. In addition, people have a wider choice of teachers and courses through distance education, because they can listen to the best courses of the best teachers in the country.

Even in this world, just as everyone has its disadvantages, opponents think that not all people can accept distance education because many people have poor conditions and students can't contact teachers, but as far as I'm concerned, interpersonal relationship is concerned Relationships are important to their learning. We should develop distance education more quickly to benefit them. At the same time, we can design programs to help teachers and students connect with each other.




3:春天的优章,Then a strange disease spread in the area and everything began to change. Some evil incantations have come to the community: mysterious diseases have swept through flocks of chickens, cattle and sheep are sick, and there are shadows of death everywhere. Farmers say that their families have many diseases, and doctors are more and more.

Because they are puzzled by new diseases among patients, there have been several sudden and unexplained deaths, not only among adults, but also among children When they play, they suddenly get sick and die within hours. There is a strange silence, for example, where the birds have gone, and many people are talking about them, confused and uneasy that the feeding station in the backyard is deserted, and a few birds are dying everywhere. They are shaking violently and can't fly.

It was a silent spring. In the early morning, it was throbbing with the chorus of robins, pigeons, jays and wrens. Many other bird calls were now silent.

Only silence shrouded in the fields, woods and marshes of the farm where the hens were hatched, but no chickens hatched. Farmers complain that they can't raise pigs. The piglet's nest is very small, the piglet only survived for a few days.

Apple trees are blooming, but there are no bees buzzing in the flowers, so there is no pollination, there is no fruit on the roadside, once so attractive. Now, both sides of them are withered yellow plants, as if burned by fire, silent, abandoned by all creatures, even the streams are now dead, and the anglers no longer visit them, because all of them are dead The fish all died in the gutter under the eaves. Between the tiles of the roof, there was a flake of white powder with some spots.

A few weeks ago, it had fallen like snow on the roofs, lawns, fields and hillsides.






标签: 优美 高三 作文 满分 美文

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