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关于”一生必听“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Listen all your life。以下是关于一生必听的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Listen all your life

Once upon a time, a teacher and his students were lying under a big tree near the big lawn. Suddenly, the student asked the teacher, "teacher, I'm confused. How can we find our soul mate? Can you help me?" A few seconds of silence, the teacher said, "well, it's easy." The teacher then said, "look over there, there is a lot of grass.

Why don't you go over there? Please don't walk backward, go straight ahead on your road, try to find a beautiful grass, pick it up, and give it to me, but there is only one " the student said," OK, wait for me ", and then go straight to the grass. After a few minutes, the student came back

1、 the teacher asked," OK, I didn't see a beautiful grass in your hand "

2、 the student said," on my journey, I found a lot of beautiful grass, but I think I will find a better one, so I didn't pick it, but I didn't realize that I was at the end of the field, because you told me not to go back, so I didn't go back "; the teacher said," this is what will happen in real life ";" what message does this story convey

3、 in the story, grass is the people around you, beauty Li's grass leaves are the people who attract you, and the grass fields are the time to find your soul mate. Please don't always compare and hope to have a better one.

You will waste your life because remember that "time will never flow back".


从前,一位老师和他的学生躺在大草坪附近的一棵大树下,突然学生问老师:“老师,我很困惑,我们怎样才能找到我们的灵魂伴侣,你能帮我吗?”;沉默了几秒钟,老师回答说:“好吧,这是一个很难又容易的问题。老师说,“这就是现实生活中会发生的事”;“这个故事传达了什么信息 ”。







2:,Finally, she persisted until the day when all the Japanese troops were driven out of China. Her son died in the hard days and did not have enough medicine and nutrition. After her husband knew about his son's death, she lay in bed for two days without eating or drinking anything.

She said to her husband, "it's hard for us to have a destiny, but no matter how hard our life will be, we should insist on it. Although our son has passed away, we can have another setback that we can't overcome. After giving birth to her second son, her husband died of edema, which almost blew her away, but in the end, she recovered and hugged three young children, saying, "my dear heart, don't be afraid of you and me, your dear mother " after her hard work to raise her children, her family life is getting better and better.

Her two daughters are married, and her son is also married. Finally, she said to everyone she met, you see, what I said is absolutely correct, there is no setback that we can not overcome. My life is so happy.

She is getting old and can't do farm work any more. So she stays at home and does some sewing work. God doesn't seem to care about her.

She has gone through a hard life. When she was taking care of her grandson, she accidentally broke her leg due to her age, which brought great risks to her operation. She did not receive the operation and had to lie in bed all day.

Her children were crying, and she just said, why are you crying? I'm still alive? Although she couldn't get out of bed, she didn't complain about anything. Instead, she sat on the bed and did some sewing. She learned to knit scarves, brooches, crafts, etc.

All the neighbors praised her skill and came to learn from her.








3:一生必听,Isn't it amazing that sharing an idea at the right time and place can change the course of your life? That's what happened in my life when I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, past El Paso to California. I followed my dream, walked with the sun, I was a high school dropout, disabled in learning and set to surf the world's largest waves, first in California, then in Hawaii, where I later lived, where I reached the heart of El Paso, where I met an old man, a tramp, at the corner of the street, he saw me walking, stopped me, asked When I was passing by, he asked me if I was running away from home, I think because when I looked so young, I told him, "not exactly, sir," because my father took me to the Houston freeway, gave me his blessing, and said, "it's important to follow your dreams and your dreams in your heart, son.".




标签: 专八 作文 一生 满分 美文

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