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关于”对终身教育“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Lifelong education。以下是关于对终身教育的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lifelong education

Chairman Mao once said that people are not old and they are not old to learn. His famous saying encourages people to learn from childhood. We study in school, and then we have to go to university.

After graduation, we finish our studies in school, and then a new stage comes. It seems unnecessary for us to start working, make money and learn knowledge. This is totally wrong.

We have been learning all the time, Even if we are in school, we learn from life. Life is a big topic. We have to learn it all the time.

We have to deal with problems, learn to make friends and accept failure. All these things we don't learn in school, we have to learn by ourselves. We are students and teachers.

If you think you have finished learning after school, you are narrow-minded.




2:终身教育,We have entered the information age from the industrial age. With the multiplication of knowledge, complexity and challenges, people increasingly emphasize the flexibility and adaptability of individuals. Whether they apply for jobs or try to gain market leadership, they learn faster than others.

For individuals and organizations, the key to economic and social survival is to be able to enter and stay in the labor market Field, individuals must not only be able to constantly improve and update their knowledge and skills, but also must be able to apply them to a wider environment. Education is no longer a matter of four to four years old, it has become a lifelong process.




3:对终身教育,Chairman Mao once said that a person will never be old. His words have always inspired so many people to learn. Life long learning is very necessary today.

Many teachers have been learning because they need to update my knowledge for me. I also like to keep learning for life. On the one hand, the development of society is too fast and I don't want to be expelled.

So I need to continue learning and make myself like myself Old people keep up with the times. They don't know how to use computers. Some learn computers.

Some refuse to learn. As a result, people who don't use computers can't keep up with the time. Lifelong learning helps me to be passionate about life.

I'm always curious about new things. So if I stop learning, I'll want to know more. I'll stop thinking and feel like I'm waiting for death, What a terrible life-long learning is necessary for everyone.

It is the only way to keep up with the times.




标签: 英文 三年级 作文 真题 年级

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