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关于”行胜于言“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Deeds speak louder than words。以下是关于行胜于言的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Deeds speak louder than words

The Secretary's eyes were wide open, and then she laughed, and I also laughed, and then went to class, so my story was over I scanned 60 faces in UNLV economics class, and although it was very early, no one seemed to be asleep. My story touched them, or it wasn't a story at all. In fact, it all started with a student's observation.

I'm very happy, Dee Parker Chopra quoted an Indian wise man as saying: who are you is more convincing to me than anything you can say, I think so.




2:行动胜于雄辩,"Action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than speech", "action is better than language", "action is better than language" action is better than language "our earth is being seriously damaged, we should just say it orally, or take practical measures to protect it, or take practical measures to protect it, we should just say it orally, or take practical measures to protect it, or take practical measures to protect it, our earth is suffering serious damage, we should just say it orally, or take practical measures to protect it, or take practical measures to protect it, our earth is suffering serious damage, we should just say it, or take practical measures to protect it.What? The answer must be the latter immediate action, such as stopping cutting down trees to improve the environment; action is also important in other fields, rather than shouting empty slogans. It is more meaningful to donate books and sporting goods to children in need. We should strictly abide by the traffic rules and stop at the red light instead of complaining about traffic jams.

Only by doing what we say, can we do it Make a difference in what we want to accomplish.


,“行动胜于雄辩”;:横幅树桩: : 行动胜于言语 :行动胜于言语 :行动胜于语言 :行动胜于语言“我们的地球正在遭受严重的破坏,我们应该只是口头上说说而已,还是采取实际措施来保护它?答案肯定是后一种立即采取的行动,例如停止砍伐树木以改善环境;



3:行胜于言,Last Monday, I taught economics at the United Nations University, three times a week. At the beginning of class, I happily asked my students how their weekend was. A young man said that his weekend was not very good.

He pulled out his wisdom tooth, and then asked me why I am always so happy. His question reminds me of some things. I read somewhere before I get up every morning.

When you get up, you can choose how to treat life 。 That day I said I chose to be happy. Let me give you an example. I went on to talk to 60 students in my class.

In addition to teaching at UNLV, I also taught at community college in Henderson. One day a few weeks ago, I walked a few miles down the highway from where I lived. I drove to Henderson.

I left the highway and turned into the college driveway. I just had to drive a quarter mile further to college, but at that point, my car stalled, and I tried to start it again, but the engine couldn't turn, so I turned on the flash, grabbed my book, called the AAA as soon as I got to school, arranged for a trailer to pick me up in front of my car after class, and the Secretary in the dean's office asked me what happened "Today is my lucky day," I said with a smile, "your car broke down. Today is your lucky day." she was puzzled by "what do you mean." I lived for several miles.

From here, I replied, "my car may break down anywhere on the highway, but it's not. It breaks down very close to the highway and walks here Not far away, I can still teach my lessons. If my car is going to break down today, I can arrange for the trailer to meet me after class.

There is no more convenient arrangement The Secretary's eyes were wide open, and then she laughed. I laughed and walked to the classroom. So my story is over.

I scanned 60 faces in UNLV economics class, and despite the early hours, no one seems to be asleep, and my story moved them, maybe not at all. In fact, it all started with a student's observation, and I'm glad that Dipak Chopra quoted an Indian wise man as saying, "who are you, more persuasive than anything you can say, I think so.".






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