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关于”野营的好处“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The benefits of camping。以下是关于野营的好处的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of camping

The Beijing Olympic Games have brought so many surprises to the world. We have shown our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to host the Olympic Games.

Finally, we succeeded. Now we have also successfully won the right to host the Winter Olympic Games. Our persistence has helped us create so many miracles.

Beijing has become the only city to host the summer and Winter Olympics, We are proud of it, but the road to achieve this amazing phenomenon was so difficult in the early s, we began to compete for votes, but the world did not know our country. The judges thought that our country was still far away from the qualification competition, so we were rejected again and again. With our unremitting efforts, we won the vote two days ago and achieved this It's a dream that we won the vote for hosting the Winter Olympic Games again.

What exciting news it is to seize power twice. We have been working miracles,.




2:露营的好处,Camping is an entertainment activity, which is loved by families, teenagers and lovers all over the world. Campers leave home to enjoy nature and camp outdoors for a day or more. Camping in tents or caravans has many advantages.

It can be a great holiday by connecting with nature around plants and camping with family members in the wild and at sea. They are very interesting, exciting and relaxing. Family camping trip can be a good fun and quality family time consumption.

Compared with other resources, camping trip is far away from home It's very convenient to discover new places and places, to enjoy and explore why close range camping can provide the ideal vacation as mentioned below by mother nature. When a family vacations near the place where they live, they find it easier to travel than far away from home. It is expensive to go camping in different countries or States because it requires a lot of money to spend on air tickets and Other travel necessities can be saved, and driving to a camp near your home is much less expensive.

As a result, camping close to home is cheaper and a very affordable opportunity for those who can't travel much.





3:野营的好处,Camping is an entertainment activity, which is loved by families, teenagers and lovers all over the world. Campers leave home to enjoy nature and camp outdoors for a day or more. Camping in tents or caravans has many advantages.

It can be a great holiday by connecting with nature around plants and camping with family members in the wild and at sea. They are very interesting, exciting and relaxing. Family camping trip can be a good fun and quality family time consumption.

Compared with other resources, camping trip is far away from home It's very convenient to discover new places and places, to enjoy and explore why close range camping can provide the ideal vacation as mentioned below by mother nature. When a family vacations near the place where they live, they find it easier to travel than far away from home. It is expensive to go camping in different countries or States because it requires a lot of money to spend on air tickets and Other travel necessities can be saved, and driving to a camp near your home is much less expensive.

As a result, camping close to home is cheaper and a very affordable opportunity for those who can't travel much.





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