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Excessive diet can lead to malnutrition, for the maintenance of life, there must be sufficient nutrition supply, otherwise it will lead to many diseases. For example, if excessive diet, hair is insufficient nutrition supply, such as insufficient iron intake, it will turn yellow, lead to a lot of hair loss and eat less, the basic metabolic rate is lower than normal people, so the gastrointestinal movement is slow, gastric acid secretion is less, affecting the absorption of nutrients These are the main reasons for the body's insufficient fat intake and storage capacity when anemia occurs. The body's lack of nutrition and the lack of brain cell nutrition are seriously damaged, which will directly affect memory and become more and more forgetful.

If we eat too long, especially rash and horizontal, it will easily lead to malnutrition, low immunity, lack of various vitamins and trace elements A diet must be moderate, O (∩) OO (∩) O (∩) O.




My husband and I lost 10 pounds on the way to the store, and my mother was very proud of that. She said little else. We took her to the underwear department, but when we came back, we couldn't find her, thinking she might be in the fitting room.

I asked the salesman if she had seen my mother. The clerk asked my husband what she looked like. She simply said she had just lost 10 pounds.

The woman on the left of the third door said with a smile that she threw someone out of her underwear into the fitting room for exercise. Why is mother proud a because her daughter is on a diet B because she has lost 10 pounds C because her daughter has lost 10 pounds D because her son-in-law has lost 10 pounds I mean a she's almost silent B she's been talking about shopping C she's talking about her daughter most of the time d she's talking about her weight loss 3) we sent her out of the car maybe a we pushed her out of the car B we ordered her to stay there C we left her alone D we lost her because there were too many people, and my daughter thought her mother might be a in the fitting room B was washing Clothing Room C is in the dining room D is in the next store. We can infer from this passage that mother a talked with everyone she met about her success in eating.

B mother has mental problems. C mother should be a daughter and her husband who is not good enough to her mother. B) b) d) C) a) a) a) a) a) d) d) C) C) a) b) a) b) mother b) she) has mental problems; (3) her daughter and husband are not.





With regard to diet, more and more people begin to diet. Some people care about their health and diet in order to lose weight. However, some people, especially young women, pay too much attention to appearance.

They have become the main force of dieting. Dieting may have a great negative impact on people. On the one hand, quite a lot of people don't really need to diet to keep healthy.

They just diet In order to keep slim, dieting is not only useless, but also may damage health. Some people lack scientific diet knowledge and may suffer from malnutrition. Considering the serious harm of unhealthy diet, in my opinion, diet needs professional guidance no matter what the reason is.

Only correct guidance can make the diet work on schedule.




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