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关于”传统美食承载的意义“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The significance of traditional cuisine。以下是关于传统美食承载的意义的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The significance of traditional cuisine

For the Chinese, cooking itself is an art. Chinese food emphasizes color, aroma and taste. Not only does a dish taste good, it must also attract the senses.

When the appetite is big, there are countless ways to cook the same ingredients, and each cooking method gives the food a unique flavor. Fried light color barbecue bread / toast / spice Sichuan pepper soft / tender hard crisp Chinese cuisine can be divided into eight regional branches Organization: Sichuan and Shandong have rich characteristics, unique flavor, and unique choice of ingredients. Steamed crucian carp in Suzhou and Guangdong, Fujian, which is famous for fo tiaoqiang, and Zhejiang, which is famous for its unique sweet and crisp dishes, emphasizes fresh food and natural flavor, especially seafood Shuizhou.

It likes delicious food from land and sea. Besides its daily staple food, it also uses pickled meat seasoning and other rich food Chinese people also like to use a variety of herbs to make tonic soup.




Sweet and sour soup dumplings, steamed dumplings, steamed bread, noodles, new year's eggs, salted duck eggs, soybean milk, pork, pickled vegetables, green noodles, rice porridge, rice noodles, fried rice noodles, tomato, Mahua tofu pudding, stinky tofu (stinky tofu), spicy tofu, spring rolls, chicken rolls, bean paste cake, rice dumplings, hot pot.




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