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关于”发明的利弊“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of invention。以下是关于发明的利弊的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of invention

At this moment, she seemed to be in a light, knowing who was joking. She sprinkled ready-made ink on her magnificent clothes, which made her clothes more full of stains or spots, as if she had thrown a corner into the mud pit now. She was like a shy girl, blushing like a plump persimmon.

Perhaps she felt embarrassed to have lived so half of her face with a white veil Yes, maybe she felt that it was useless to do so. She came out timidly and looked shy. Then she tried to do the best thing.

It was smooth and obviously its speed was much faster than before. Her little face died on the top of the mountain. The sky looked cold again.

Looking at the horizon, her figure appeared again. Hey, how could it look like two different people and the sunset in front of her Like, close to see, yinguangshan so dark is the moon, all around appear silent.




A good environment can make people feel happy. Improving the environment means our quality of life. What should we do to improve our environment? We should plant more trees.

We should prevent factories from discharging waste water into rivers, lakes and fields when we see the garbage on the ground. We should not throw the garbage into the public garbage cans and throw the garbage into the public places.




Everyone knows that mobile phone plays an important role in our daily life, but in my opinion, mobile phone has its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, mobile phones enable people to keep in touch at all times, especially when they have important things. It reduces the cost of people not having to travel.

Second, we can send text messages on mobile phones for a small amount of money. Third, we can also play games, take pictures or listen to music on mobile phones. With the development of technology, we can do a lot of things on mobile phones, but there are also many disadvantages.

We have to pay for the wrong number, which is not suitable for us. Radio activities may be harmful to our health. Sometimes rings can affect other people's use of mobile phones in public or in meetings.




标签: 九年级 作文 利弊 年级 满分

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