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In recent years, many newspapers and magazines have paid attention to movie stars, pop singers and other famous male and female journalists who disguise their identities and sneak into the business and family of the interviewees, and even eavesdrop on them to obtain news by any necessary means. The reason is not difficult to explain. The interest in famous people's life is amazing.

They are famous or notorious in the spotlight. They are ordinary people They like to know everything about them in order to satisfy their curiosity or people's right to know. Journalists often find that their duty is to report their activities, rather than to newspapers or magazines.

A large number of readers means an increase in the circulation of their publications. Therefore, profits are huge, because movie stars and pop singers are news worthy figures, Their stories attract more attention than others. Naturally, the media try to attract them to buy their magazines, the lives of private celebrities, how can those who have been exposed be seriously hurt by such media attention? The sensational stories about their private lives can cause them great unhappiness, and they can't even lead a normal life.

Sometimes their lives can be dangerous, for example, Princess Diana is trying to Died in a car accident while fleeing in Paris famous people are also citizens. They have the right to protect their privacy like ordinary people. This is a basic right that our law should respect and protect under any circumstances.


近年来,许多报纸和杂志都在关注电影明星、流行歌手和其他一些著名的男女记者伪装身份潜入被采访对象的商业和家庭,甚至窃听他们以任何必要的手段获取新闻,这其中的原因不难解释对名人生活的兴趣令人惊讶他们在聚光灯下出名或臭名昭著他们是普通人的话题,他们喜欢了解他们的一切以满足他们的好奇心或人民的知情权记者经常发现他们的职责是报道他们的活动,而不是向报纸或杂志是指读者的数量大的读者群意味着他们的出版物发行量的增加,因此利润巨大,因为电影明星和流行歌手都是有新闻价值的人物,他们的故事比其他人吸引更多的关注。很自然,媒体试图吸引他们购买他们的杂志,以私人为特色名人的生活那些被曝光的人怎么会因为这样的媒体关注而受到严重伤害关于他们私生活的耸人听闻的故事会给他们带来极大的不快他们甚至不能过正常的生活有时他们的生命会有危险例如戴安娜王妃在试图逃跑时死于车祸在巴黎的追逐中逃离摄影师 名人也是公民,他们有权像普通人一样保护自己的隐私这是我们的法律在任何情况下都应该尊重和保障的基本权利。


"Privacy" is traditionally translated as "Yin thinking". In Chinese people's mind, "Yin thinking" is associated with closed or unfair things. If someone says "Yin thinking", it will attract people who are nosy about his or her affairs, so people always say that they have no "Yin thinking"; on the contrary, Americans often declare their intention to protect themselves Their understanding of privacy is that others have no right to pry into things that belong to themselves and have nothing to do with others; a nosy and rumor monger is said to have violated the right of privacy; in the evening, Sonia and I went to a bar in China for dinner.

When people mentioned the bar, we usually thought of dissolute, but here, the bar is a quiet and elegant place They were very quiet and afraid to disturb their neighbors. They were drinking and sitting face to face. Sometimes three or five people were sitting together.

This atmosphere was totally different from what I had thought before, so I wanted to take a picture and Sonia stopped me: "don't you see these people talking to each other? Niya may not want to disturb the privacy of a friend in China, so they don't want to leave a secret for their friends Often angry, she wants a divorce. The reason is that her husband opened one of her letters and looked through her purse. He didn't realize that this was intolerable in the United States.

He thought that husband and wife were just like one person. Why can't he really see the things in the letter or purse? Everyone, even as a couple, needs not only three-dimensional space, but also spiritual space.


“隐私”在中国传统上被翻译为“阴思”,在中国人的心目中,“阴思”与封闭或不公平的事物联系在一起;如果有人说有“阴思”,就会引来好管闲事的人来窥探他或她的事情,所以人们总是说他们没有“阴思”;相反,美国人往往会声明他们的意图为了保护自己的隐私,他们对隐私的理解是,别人无权窥探属于自己的、与他人无关的事情;一个爱管闲事、散布谣言的人据说侵犯了隐私权;晚上,我和索尼娅去中国的一家酒吧吃饭,当人们提到酒吧时,我们通常会想到放荡,但在这里,酒吧是一个安静而雅致的地方‰人们说话很轻,害怕打扰邻居,他们边喝酒边面对面坐着,有时三五个人坐在一起‰这种气氛与我之前的想法完全不同,所以我想拍张照片索尼娅阻止了我:“你没看到这些人倾诉心声吗?也许他们是同事,朋友,还有秘密恋人 他们来这里是为了寻找一个宁静的地方,不想被别人打扰,他们不想留下任何来这里的痕迹,所以拍他们的照片会严重侵犯他们的隐私权“;索尼娅的一个朋友娶了一个有才华的中国人,他们夫妻之间有隐私吗,但是最近她非常生气,她想要离婚。原因是她的丈夫打开了她的一封信,翻看了她的钱包丈夫没有意识到这在美国是不能容忍的,他认为夫妻就像是一个人,为什么他不能真正看到信或钱包里的东西,每个人,甚至作为夫妻生活的人,不仅需要三维空间的空间,更需要心灵的空间。


What do you think of the pageant collection? What do you think of the pageant collection? There is only one implicit rule, which means that if you go to a beauty pageant, you need to pay your child to socialize with a rich man, and he will spend more money to support you. You will have more money, but in fact, in two or three years, he will change his girlfriend and you will need to live with them Together, if I have a girl, she is very beautiful, I don't like her to go to the beauty pageant, but if she really wants to do so, I will support her.




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