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关于”校训“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:School motto。以下是关于校训的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:School motto

Truth in Christ, Gloria M. Christo and church] rational revelation: truth will nap at this moment, you will have a dream, and now study, you will explain a dream I left uncultivated today. It is the thought that the people who died yesterday prayed for is late.

It is the earliest time that is not today's matter. Tomorrow, the pain of learning is temporary, and the pain is not learned yet Learning this matter, lack of time, but lack of effort or happiness, not arranged a good position, but success must be arranged in a good position, learning is certainly not the integrity of life. However, since a part of continuous life learning can not be conquered, it can let people enjoy that only earlier than others, more diligent, more able to experience the taste of success, no one will casually succeed, it comes from Due to thorough self-control and willpower, time is passing and drooling.

Tomorrow will become a study like tearing a dog. Today, you can't play. Tomorrow, you will invest in the future.

The education level of people who are loyal to reality represents the income day. Even now, they will not come again. It is not difficult to turn pages of the competition, and it will not be possible to reach the goal of one day.

Study this matter delays the time but cannot come. Deborah Kelley millborne truth can't come one day. Study this matter delays time but lacks effort.

Deborah Kelley millborne truth.





Recently, we have heard the change of the school motto. After the original "diligence and truth-seeking" and the addition of "inspirational and moral education", now there is no revision of the school motto, we have any bad judgment. First of all, I would like to talk about my thinking on the cultivation of school motto, what kind of role should the school motto play as a school motto, and as an educational method and method of school motto, according to the explanation of "discipline" In order to facilitate the school to have strong discipline, it has selected several orders, and the school board has put forward the school motto of floating men looking at the ground, determined to practice and pay attention to at any time.

It is to establish a good school spirit, cultivate a good style of study and the requirements for teachers and students, and a common basic ideological norm and code of conduct. The school motto is a manifestation of tradition, a kind of directional education means and management measures In the process of its development, the school will more or less form its own unique historical tradition and cultural landscape, attracting, infecting and shaping every individual in this long-term accumulated atmosphere. It is naturally any other way to educate teachers and students' thoughts, emotions, will, character and behavior.

It can not be replaced by saying that the school motto is the best billboard of the school, and it is the most sufficient It embodies the value orientation and characteristics of a school. At the same time, a school motto also plays a strong cohesive force and binding force, and urges it to unite all teachers and students of a school closely, and to encourage all teachers and students to keep forging ahead. From this point of view, the school motto has a great impact on the quality and has a far-reaching impact.




Peking University (founded in: patriotism, progress, democracy, science, Tsinghua University (founded in: self-discipline and social commitment Wuhan University (can be traced back to: self-improvement, perseverance, truth-seeking innovation, Tianjin University: Southeast University (founded in: learning rich and talented, tenacious goal, serious knowledge, practice and reflection) Jinan University( Founded in: loyalty, integrity, sincerity, peace Tongji University (founded in: discipline, practice, unity and creativity), Nankai University (founded in: committed to public welfare undertakings, obtain comprehensive ability, and vigorous and vigorous Harbin University of Technology (founded in: strict standards, make great efforts to Xiamen University (founded in: pursuit of excellence, excellence) Zhongshan University (founded in: extensive learning, accurate inquiry, serious reflection, distinguishing right from wrong, and conscientious practice of Renmin University) Beijing Institute of Technology (founded in: unity, diligence, pragmatism and innovation), Beijing University of Foreign Studies (founded in: unity, diligence, pragmatism and innovation); earnest and lively University of Defense Science and technology, enhance your wisdom, love your country and people, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (founded in: learning and applying for the benefit of mankind).




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