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关于”时的自我介绍“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Self introduction at。以下是关于时的自我介绍的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Self introduction at

Nathan halenthanhale surname surname surname surname surname surname surname surname surname middle name William Paul taglor William P. Taylor, you can call me XXX Leo, I'm Leo Wang, you can call me Leo Wang's Christian name / first name / middle name / surname / surname / surname Anna Louis strong Charles Robert Brown George Washington Abe Mr. Tom Bush Ronaldo Reagan: Dr.

price / Professor: Mr. Turner, Dr. Bethune: Mr.

Winston Churchill: https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0.


Nanthan Haleanthanhale名姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓姓中间名William Paul Taglor William P.Taylor你可以叫我XXX Leo我是Leo Wang,你可以叫我LeoLeo Wang教名/名/中名/姓/姓Anna Louis StrongCharles Robert BrownGeorge Washington Abe Lincoln:汤姆布什·罗纳尔多·里根先生:普莱斯博士/教授:特纳先生,白求恩博士:温斯顿·丘吉尔先生:https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/jpeg/0。


Hello, everyone. It's my honor to introduce myself here. My name is Wu Yali.

I graduated from Xiangshan school. My major is musical instrument and sketch. I am good at it.

I hope I can get this job. I will do my best to do it well. Thank you for your attention.




Hello everyone, my name is ISI. From today, I am interviewing a tour guide. I personally think that I will become an excellent tour guide, because I am a smart person.

I like to lose my temper. It is good for the Florian people. I am very patient.

If I have difficulty in understanding, I am good at making friends, and I am very outgoing, so I get along with others easily Speak with pronunciation, so my words will be very clear, no one will try to understand what I am good at remembering. I have always been eager to learn. I am very interested in various things.

If I don't know what they are, I will be happy to understand them. I think I am suitable for this job. I know I don't have much experience, but I can get them.

I hope you Thank you for thinking about it.




标签: 作文 面试 专业 满分 范文

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