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关于”山和水“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Mountain and water。以下是关于山和水的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mountain and water

Rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon composed of seven colors. People often associate it with a rainstorm, just like "the sunshine is always after the rain", as if telling a story to the rainbow. Then I will think of "happiness" soon, because I believe that only the happy, brave and strong people will see their own rainbow, and then do not be afraid before seeing the rainbow Welcome the heavy rain and sunshine in summer.




2:,Life, water and environment) water is very important in our life as human beings. We are organisms based on water and oxygen. Just like many organisms without water on the earth, we will dehydrate and diet.

The proportion of crust is less than that of the earth. All the oceans on the earth are in the crust. Therefore, water is less than the earth.

"A drop of water is a drop of life." human body is like a drop of life Like water, we rely on water very much, we need to take good care of water, because our society is progressing, more and more pollutants are discharged into rivers and oceans and other water resources, a drop of water is human life, we should love our water, we should save water.




3:山和水,Water is very important to living things. Without water, there will be no life on the earth. All animals and plants need water.

People also need water. There is water everywhere, even in the driest place in the world. We all find that water can be solid, liquid or gas.

When it is solid, it can be as hard as a brick. When it is liquid, you can pour it out of the container, When it's a gas, you can't see it or touch it. Although about% of the earth's surface is covered with water, there is still no water in many parts of the world.

So we should make good use of the water on the earth. It is very important for all known life forms to survive in typical uses. Water only refers to its liquid or liquid state, but it also has solid state, ice and gas state, water vapor or steam About a few tons (PT) kg of water cover the earth's surface, mainly in the oceans and other large water bodies, under which there is water.

The underground aquifer and the ground in the air contain surface water, glaciers, polar ice caps and other land surface water, such as rivers and lakes, with steam, clouds (salt water formed by solid and liquid water particles suspended in the air and precipitation) Pond and pond. Some of the earth's water is contained in water towers, organisms, and others are trapped in ice sheets, glaciers, aquifers or lakes, sometimes providing fresh water for life on land.




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