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关于”童趣的版“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Children's fun version。以下是关于童趣的版的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Children's fun version

Children's day, also known as "International Children's day in June", is held in Moscow in November. Representatives of China and other countries angrily expose the killing and poisoning of children by imperialist reactionaries in order to protect the survival, health and education of children in the world. In order to improve children's lives, the conference is held in June every year It was decided that international children's Day is celebrated in many countries, usually (but not always) in June every year.

International Children's Day originated from the world children's welfare conference in Geneva. Switzerland does not know why it chose June as the ICD: there is a saying that the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco gathered some Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, which happened to be held in June of that year and also held in Geneva. Since then, June has been regarded as an ICD in many countries, especially in the West In communist countries around the world, the ICD is usually celebrated on other days of the year (if any, and public awareness of these celebrations is often low) (for further discussion, please refer to the section on Germany below).

Therefore, there is sometimes a misunderstanding that the ICD in June was the invention of communism. Nevertheless, in recent years, even in the United States In June, some organizations in China began to observe ICD.




One night, a hotel caught fire, and all the people who lived in it ran out in their pajamas. Two men stood outside and looked at the fire. Then I came out and said one person.

I ran into some rooms and found a lot of money. People don't think about money when they're afraid. When someone throws paper money into the fire, the fire will burn it.

So I took all the money I could find. No one will be poorer because I take it. You don't know what my job is.

Cried manor, a policeman. He thought quickly and asked if you know my job is a policeman? I'm a writer. I always talk about things that never happened..







One summer day, two children were playing in the backyard, gazing at the marshmallow sky and arguing as the clouds flew by, "there's a shaggy sheep gone." Tim cried. When Kimmie looked at the sky carefully, "I didn't see a sheep," she said, "I saw a flock of birds. On the contrary," how lovely the birds are.

"He said," look, there's a group of tramps. " Bee, and then there's a train, a foot long "Oh, no, brother, you're wrong," "disgusting Kimi, don't bother me," because you're driving me crazy. Go away and let me imagine on my own, "well, then, I'll leave you alone, but when you see an unknown shape, don't scream at me," because I won't tell you what I see.

" "Leave me alone and let me go. I don't need you to play with me," she blurted out, feeling lonely. "If you need me, just shout." watch out for the fluffy, carefully examined sheep maniac blurting out.




标签: 初一 英文 作文 万能

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