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关于”诚信类的素材“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Integrity material。以下是关于诚信类的素材的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Integrity material

Government spending money on new buildings is more important than preserving historic or traditional buildings and homes. Governments need to fund beautiful things, not just practical ones. People can solve important problems on their own or with the help of their families, so there is no need for the government to help them.

Do you agree that the government should support scientific research, even if it has no practical use in times of economic crisis, what do you think the government should cut down on: Education, health care or financial support for the unemployed to stimulate economic development and human development index human development index Development index standardizes sensible policy allocates funds to the budget tax revenue unemployment rate labor force health care system authorities give priority to democratic development of strict rules and regulations only if the government takes these issues seriously and can take practical actions to improve the environment.




2:,Some people think that all offenders should be sent to prison, while others think there is a better choice. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to extend the sentence.

You think there are other better ways to reduce crime. Discuss these two views and give your own opinion. It's not the way to deal with criminals in prison On the contrary, how much education and vocational training should be given to them? Do you agree or disagree? Some people think that all offenders should be sent to prison.

Others think that they should also do some work or learn some skills in society. You think that today's prison is the most common way to solve crime, but some people think that providing better for them Education, to prevent them from becoming criminals, would be a more effective way, do you agree or disagree with economists, although two juvenile offenders were suspended, they were not suspended, and they were able to pay considerable compensation to the victims. Urbanites: Migrants: considerable com compensation: victims, migrants and left behind children are of the same age as those who grew up in the city People are more likely to be jailed, although the survey shows that the proportion of violent crimes committed by young people in cities is similar to that of floating youth in Shanghai.

Minors without local household registration are sentenced to probation (or probation) only if one of them is left behind. Probation is the reason why migrant youth are more likely to be severely punished, which is closely related to the reasons for their entry. First of all, their immigration status and relative poverty are severely punished, and their rural hometown lacks resources to supervise children on probation.

Therefore, they are finally sent to prison and finally to prison. The national criminal law, which has come into effect this year, has been revised to make it clear that minor offenders should be given a lighter punishment Reason, revision: the national criminal code has formally stipulated that juvenile offenders should be given less punishment than education.




3:诚信类的素材,It is important to protect the culture and environment of the places you visit. However, some people say it is impossible to be a responsible tourist. To what extent do you agree or agree that space travel is possible in a certain period of time? Some people think that space tourism will develop in the future.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development. The vigorous development of tourism after the Olympic Games will not promote economic growth as expected: strengthening: strengthening: the unemployment rate is falling; house prices in Britain hit an all-time high in July Economic output seems to be growing at the fastest rate ever recorded: peaking / peaking at the fastest rate: at first glance, British Tourism seems to have played a role in the economic rebound. At first glance, + n economic rebound: the government, I quickly attributed tourism growth to the Olympics, trying to justify the billions of pounds (billion dollars) spent on hosting the Olympics This confirms that many tourism oriented enterprises have begun to doubt: as China's emerging middle class is becoming more and more used to traveling abroad, organizations that try to make a lot of money in their own businesses should pay attention to the fact that the tourism industry oriented to commercial tourism has been used to making a lot of money.

The rest is a news breaking the stereotype: independent tourism is better than group tourism More popular independent travel: group travel: if the recent growth of independent voyagers is an exponential trend rather than an anomaly, then hotels that want to attract Chinese guests may need to shift their attention from building relationships with Chinese companies to finding more subtle ways to win the reputation of "friendly operation". Voyagers = travelers = visitors = tourists = tourists anonymous: divert their attention Andrew McEvoy, general manager of the Australian tourism authority, VT attr, is acting fiercely: Mr. Yang has joined many Chinese tourists' overseas Adventures:.


保护你所参观的地方的文化和环境是很重要的。然而,有些人说,要成为一个负责任的游客是不可能的。你在多大程度上同意或同意太空旅行在一段时间内是可能的,有些人认为太空旅游在未来会发展到什么程度你认为这是一个积极或消极的发展,奥运后旅游业的蓬勃发展不会像希望的那样促进经济增长:增强:增强经济失业率在下降,英国xx月房价创下历史新高,经济产出似乎正以创纪录以来的最快速度增长高:到达最高点/峰值以最快的速度增长:乍一看,英国旅游业似乎对经济反弹起到了作用乍一看:+n经济反弹:政府我很快就把旅游业的增长归因于奥运会,试图证明在举办奥运会上花费的数十亿英镑(十亿美元)是合理的:这证实了许多面向旅游业的企业已经开始怀疑:随着中国新兴的中产阶级越来越习惯于国外旅游,那些想办法让自己的生意场赚大钱的组织值得注意的是:面向商业旅游业的旅游业已经习惯于赚大钱了很多其他的则是一个打破陈规的新闻:独立旅游比团体旅游更受欢迎独立旅游:团体旅游:如果最近独立航行者的增长是指数趋势而不是反常现象,那么,想要吸引中国客人的酒店可能需要将注意力从与中国公司建立关系转移到寻求更微妙的方式来赢得“友好型运营”的声誉Voyagers=travelers=visitors=touristsAnomaly:转移他们的他说,为了吸引中国游客而把注意力从竞争中转移出去变得越来越激烈Andrew McEvoy,澳大利亚旅游局总经理:vt attr行动凶猛:杨先生加入了众多中国游客的海外冒险活动:。


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