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关于”与家人相处“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Get along with family。以下是关于与家人相处的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Get along with family

After living in this alley for a long time, I know almost everyone here. However, the housewives I often see during the day either work outside to support the family or go to school. These housewives are kind and considerate.

For example, my mother takes care of my sister's daughter. Although she is also busy with housework, if she feels it necessary to go shopping, she does not I have to worry, because there are always people nearby who volunteer to help us with the housework.




I always believe that the more friends you have, the better your life will be. Friends play an important role in our daily life. You can go shopping with your friends, go hiking with your friends and so on.

Especially when you feel sad or happy and you need someone to share, you can turn to your friends and get along with your friends. It's meaningful to get along with your friends. Just remember one thing If you are a friend, you are helping others, so be sincere, friendly and honest to your friends.

Good friendship always depends on mutual respect and support, not material things.




We know that students should learn how to get along with others, but first of all, we should respect others, everyone has their own way of doing things, so we should understand each other, communicate with each other, share our happiness and sadness, and more importantly, if we live in school dormitories, we should treat others kindly and provide necessary help for those in need We should pay attention not to disturb others, do not take friends back to the dormitory in the middle of the night, because all roommates are sleeping, or playing computer games, the music is playing very big, such behavior will hurt the relationship between you and your roommate, we should be honest, try not to disturb others, do not offend others, only in this way can we get along well with others.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 真题 家人

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