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关于”上的感受“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Feelings on。以下是关于上的感受的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Feelings on

My first skiing experience Sunday, when I went skiing with my friends, was my first attempt at this super interesting sport. I really like skiing. I think I have great potential all afternoon.

I only fell down twice, and then we came together to teach us the correct posture. After some basic and advanced practice, I did try skiing down the mountain. It's great.

I think I'll do it I may go skiing more, but I'm tired to walk with all the equipment.




This is one of the most tragic events in the world in recent years. Many people lost their homes, relatives and even their lives because of the war. We should wake up to our bottom line.

What we really need is power, wealth or ideals. We should stand on the standpoint of ignoring others and choose to solve the problem of endless violence through solving contradictions and differences In the peace talks in Geneva, Syria hopes that both sides will show sincerity and shoulder the fate of Syria, not to let the dead die in vain, nor let more people die in vain. Syria is the whole Syrian people, including all parties to the war, but excluding al Qaeda.

This should be the consensus of all parties. In this consensus, we hope that the negotiations can make progress Because this is the last hope to save Syria.




All QQ has its two sides, so the advantage of the Internet is that it can help us contact more people we know or don't know, and make communication more convenient. The close relationship between people is just like QQ. Of course, it gives us more information.

Through it, we can better understand the outside world and accumulate more knowledge wealth, which mainly depends on entering the one What you can like is to ask other people on the Internet. Of course, they can give you the right way. Everything has two sides.

The Internet is no exception. Many people are confused by the network and think about the Internet all day long. Because there is no enthusiasm for learning and work, it is the so-called spirit of seeking pleasure.

Especially, online games make people infinite A lot of people are attracted to upgrade and spend all day in Internet cafes just to improve their performance, which makes people fall down and seriously hurt. Therefore, I suggest timely and appropriate Internet access and healthy Internet surfing, which is the most important thing.




标签: 大学 英文 八年级 作文 真题

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