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关于”有关医患关系“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:About doctor-patient relationship。以下是关于有关医患关系的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About doctor-patient relationship

This picture reflects that doctors often order excess cheques for extra income, which aggravates the tension and distrust between doctors and patients. They may force patients or threaten them to do some dishonorable things, taking advantage of the asymmetry of information and knowledge and the psychology of patients, that is, they can not bear any health consequences, which leads to the rejection of doctors and the patients have to pay More cost, which highlights the pressure of their tight budget, sometimes even the stability of society will be damaged, if they finally find out the truth or treatment fails, they decide to block the hospital. More incidents are that relatives of the dead gather a group of people to go to the government in order to attract public attention.

Sympathy and support for the deterioration of morality make it less important for doctors to improve their technical level, because immoral methods will bring more profits. They think that saving people first may be replaced by money, which will damage their reputation. Because we want to be doctors, we should remember that It is our duty to live, to save lives and to alleviate the suffering of others.

Money will never diminish the light of humanitarianism.




To improve the doctor-patient relationship from the quality of medical services, as a hospital doctor should constantly improve the medical level, improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of patients, as a nurse in the hospital from high-quality service, responsibility to people, go out into the ward, nurse station, become a heart patient, in order to provide satisfactory patient care services, only in this way can the doctor-patient relationship be improved.




In a moment, faucet, pig's belly, phoenix tail, first of all, you can put forward your own views, and then I will briefly talk about the unreasonable doctor-patient relationship. Finally, I would like to talk about how to establish a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. This is just a small idea.

If you want to improve your English level, how to express in English or think for yourself.




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