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: Jasmine Samba: Rose clove, violet, violet, violet, violet, Daisy, gladiolus, Magnolia, Magnolia, freesia, cyclamen, Begonia, wisteria, Bauhinia, dogwood, hawthorn, hibiscus, peony, Rhododendron, Rhododendron, Daphne, gardenia, lilac, new year lily / pomegranate / Victor laurel / multi flower / cotton clove lady's eardrop / Bauhinia / lily / wallflower / Rhododendron peach / Lilac / Peony/ Ginkgo biloba, white peony and moth orchid / Magnolia / Christmas cactus Rose / tulip / / Camellia sinensis / common Trollius / African cello Indian blanket / jasmine / Sarang Rose / hyacinth / African Lily morning glory / Kafir lily / lady purse banana shrub / African Daisy / sensitive plant Arabian Jasmine / pitcher creeping Orchid / cockscomb / / Lotus / cypress vine / botree / Dahlia / scarlet Christmas bell Sage, Lagerstroemia indica, Lagerstroemia indica / / formeno water lily / Blueberry / Pulsatilla chinensis / sunflower / cornflower / bamboo / Hamamelis / Rose / honeysuckle / aged may Garden Nasturim Begonia / plantain / Angel Trumpet / root rose blossom apricot / Ginger Lily common Poinsettia / chrysanthemum / Icelandic poppy / Epiphyllum / iris / Royal Blue Winter sweetness / Burgundy / Flamingo / tricolor Viola / catalia//.


:茉莉花桑巴:玫瑰丁香花紫罗兰紫罗兰紫罗兰,雏菊唐菖蒲属植物木兰玉兰兰小苍兰仙客来海棠紫藤紫荆山茱萸山楂绣球木槿牡丹杜鹃杜鹃杜鹃花达芙妮栀子花丁香新年百合/石榴/维克多月桂/多花/棉树丁香女士耳坠/紫荆/百合花/壁花/桃紫藤杜鹃花/丁香树/白芍/银杏白芍蛾兰/紫玉兰/圣诞仙人掌玫瑰/郁金香//普通山茶花/普通金莲花/非洲大提琴印度毛毯/茉莉花/莎朗玫瑰/风信子/非洲百合牵牛花/卡菲尔百合/女士钱包香蕉灌木/非洲雏菊/敏感植物阿拉伯茉莉花/猪笼草匍匐兰花/鸡冠花//荷花/柏树藤/botree/大丽花/圣诞铃猩红色鼠尾草紫薇紫薇//福美诺睡莲/大青女蜘蛛植物/白头翁/向日葵/矢车菊/竹子/金缕梅/月季花/日本金银花/陈年maid garden Nasturim秋海棠/非洲芭蕉/天使小号/块根玫瑰开花杏/姜-百合-普通一品红/菊花/冰岛罂粟/昙花/鸢尾花/皇家蓝冬季甜味/波杰斯喷棉玫瑰纸花/火烈鸟花/三色中提琴/卡特莱娅//。


Today is tree planting day. My classmates and I went to the park to plant trees. Why do we plant trees? China's ecosystem is very poor.

If you know why Japan is more developed than China, because they have never used their own tree resources. Now China's tree resources are very poor, so we must plant trees. We must plant trees.

We must have saplings and water. First of all, we must dig a hole After that, we will take the trees to the holes, and finally we must plant trees and water them. The level of China will be better and we will have a better explosion.




How to plant flowers you know how to plant flowers let me tell you first, then put the seeds of flowers into the soil, and then put them in the sun, and then often add water to make sure it gets enough sunshine. Finally, waiting for a flower to germinate and wait for a flower to grow is very easy. Doesn't it let us plant more and more flowers and make the world more beautiful.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 万能 年级

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