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关于”有意的工作“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Intentional work。以下是关于有意的工作的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intentional work

For college students, when graduation season comes, it's time to think about their future and figure out what kind of work they want to do. Some students choose to work in the company, while others decide to start their own businesses. These two options are good for people who work in the company.

They can obtain new work experience directly in the job market. They have no resources. So working in a large company is a good choice.

They can make money and make a living. It is very important for entrepreneurs to realize self-identity. They do not have to be limited by location and working hours.

They can use themselves You can do whatever you want. It's good to be in control. They can learn a lot in the process of running a business.

Everyone's work choice depends on his personal situation. No matter what choice students make, the most important thing is to accumulate experience.





When it comes to the value of work, different people hold different views. A group of people think that work is just a way of life. They hope that they can earn as much money as possible with as little as possible.

The more money they make and the less time they spend, the more value the work brings to another person. The value of work is measured in money. Some people think that we should work for our dreams just because we love this job and focus our time and energy on the things we love, so that we can achieve the purpose of our work, contribute to social development and improve ourselves.

In my opinion, I agree that this work is a kind of equipment, but it is not all valuable work. When choosing a job, we should measure rewards and our dreams. I believe that people will make more efforts on what they like, and one day they will get the reward they deserve.

That's the value of work in my mind.





Many children want to be good journalists as they grow up, but I think the most valuable job is to be a reporter. Journalists can tell you what happened, when and why they became a responsible journalist. He or she will objectively report the facts.

She or she will disclose the causes and causes of events that the public may know about social problems. The work of journalists makes our society better, fairer and more transparent. Therefore, we should respect journalists.




标签: 高分 六年级 作文 年级 工作

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