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关于”友谊的开头结尾“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The beginning and end of friendship。以下是关于友谊的开头结尾的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning and end of friendship

There are several important factors to keep a good friendship. Listening to is the cornerstone of a good friendship. It helps you understand your friend and his / her feelings.

It also shows that you really care about spending time with your friends. Without quality time, any relationship will not be satisfactory. Taking time for your friends and arranging party time is forgivable.

Even in the world There is a person who is perfect. You know your own shortcomings, so don't expect others to be perfect. I'm not saying that you should always accept your friends' wrong behaviors, tell them things you don't like, and be ready to make up for them after good things.

Don't hold grudges. This will help your friends get along with you for a long time, and admit your shortcomings. Sooner or later, there will be conflicts in every friendship It is often a mistake for both sides to admit your mistake rather than just point out the other person's fault.

This will help both of you to keep communication channels open and enhance friendship.




Who is your best friend? What makes you get along well with her / him? Among all my friends, I like Li Yong best. I regard him as my best friend because he is always helpful and friendly to me. What attracted me most was that he also liked music.

As long as we had time, we would listen to pop songs together one day. Last month, when we heard that Andy was coming to our city to give a concert, we were very happy. The concert made us very excited.

That day was one of the happiest days we had together.




标签: 六年级 作文 万能 友谊 年级

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