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关于”在国外留学“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Study abroad。以下是关于在国外留学的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Study abroad

Results and conclusion: after a lot of research, most of my research results support the original statement that studying abroad can better prepare college students for the real world and enable them to have a deeper understanding of the changing world around them. Some of the students interviewed have never studied abroad, but they seem to be comparable. For those who have studied abroad, in terms of maturity, secularity and full self-sufficiency, my general conclusion is still: studying abroad before graduation will cultivate adults who are better prepared for life after graduation, including the proposition that studying abroad should be compulsory I suggest that it is mandatory for these students to participate in some form of study abroad experience for the completion of certain university degrees.




Some suggestions on how to write a letter of recommendation. As an employer, colleague or friend, if you are not sure what to do or just don't know what to say, you may be asked to write a letter of recommendation at some point in your career. Here are some suggestions on what should be included in the letter of recommendation and how to construct a typical recommendation letter.

If you ask for a letter of recommendation from someone who is not familiar with how to write the first paragraph, this advice may also be useful. First of all, you should state who you are and when you know this person. If the person is an employee or colleague, please state the duration of employment, job responsibilities, and any major projects undertaken by the individual.

You may wish to include a sentence about the nature of your company and its activities. You can also use one sentence to summarize or summarize your views on the recommended individual in the second paragraph of the next paragraph Make a more detailed assessment of an employee as he or she describes his or her performance in a specific task and lists any significant achievements. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an individual? What are the disadvantages in the workplace? Paragraph 3: interaction with him or her can give a broad definition of the person and his / her overall demeanor, responsible, polite, enthusiastic, unpopular, lazy and malicious.

Finally, point out the degree to which you recommend this person for the position she or he is looking for: no reservation, strong, With some reservations, or none at all before writing this letter, you may want to ask him or her list of projects, because you may not know all the work they did in the end. If you don't have too much contact, you'd better refuse to write a recommendation letter instead of writing vague and calm things.





The advantages / disadvantages of studying abroad there is no doubt that studying abroad in a foreign country with a language and culture may be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience. However, although studying abroad has its disadvantages, the difficulties far outweigh the advantages. Those who study abroad will have the experience that those who stay in China will never be of the greatest benefit to studying in an overseas university, that is Using different languages in real life, and one can learn a foreign language in one's own country.

It can't be compared with using this language frequently in academic and daily life. There is no better opportunity to improve second language skills than living in the country where the language is spoken. You have used this language during oneefa 5eeb9ee7ads learning period.

When you apply at home, you need to When using this language on campus, you will have obvious advantages. An international student is not the only one who comes from a distant place. He or she may meet many people from overseas and make friends from all over the world.

This is not only exciting at the social level, but will eventually bring important overseas contacts in the future career. Living and studying abroad provides people with a new and different world outlook, and perhaps most importantly, a new and different perspective on their own country. Once out of the initial impact of being in the new culture, students gradually begin to have a meaningful understanding of the host society.

People will inevitably see their own country in a new world. Usually, they are more appreciative. The simple conclusion is that although any anxiety about going to overseas university is understandable, it is important to remember that this experience brings The benefits of coming make it very worthwhile.




标签: 英文 六年级 作文 年级 满分

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