关于”设计一款软件“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Design a software。以下是关于设计一款软件的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Design a software
I like reading very much. During the holidays, I read a book. I really like it.
And this book is a book about mathematics. You know, I like mathematics, so I chose this book. But I didn't learn anything about mathematics from this book, but I also learned other books.
For example, I know how scientists predict the weather. First of all, science Home needs to collect a lot of different data, and then they use tables to organize this information, and then they need to use meteorological knowledge to analyze the data. Finally, they get the weather about the future weather, but it may be uncertain, so it is difficult to predict the weather.
I like chapter three, about space, I think space is mysterious, no one knows how big it is. There are a lot of pictures about craters in this chapter. It's really good.
If a big asteroid hits the earth, it will be a huge disaster, but the good news for us is that the chance is very small, even if it will not happen in our lifetime. That book is English. It can improve my English.
I love it.
When I'm disappointed, everything my mother says will be OK. If you stick to it, good things will happen one day. You'll realize that if it wasn't for the disappointment before, mom was right.
I found out after I graduated from college in, that I decided to find a job in radio and work hard as a sports announcer. I hitchhiked to Chicago, knocked at the door of every station and was turned down every time. In one study, a good lady told me that big TV stations can't take the risk of hiring an inexperienced person.
She said, go to the bar and find a small radio station and give you a chance. I hitchhiked back to Dixon, Illinois. Although my father said that Montgomery Ward opened a shop and wanted a local athlete to run its sports department.
Because Dixon was where I played football in high school, I applied for the job. This job sounds like a good fit for me. But I wasn't hired.
My disappointment must have shown. It all happened for the best mother, and medad provided me with a car to find a job. I tried WOC in davenpotova.
Host Peter MacArthur told me they had hired an announcer. When I left his office, my depression was boiling. I asked aloud, how could a guy become a sports announcer if he couldn't find a job on the radio? I heard MacArthur calling while I was waiting for the elevator.
What did you say to sports? Do you know football? Then he asked me to stand in front of the microphone and let me play an imaginary game. I prepared for a minute. Peter told me that I would broadcast Saturday's game on my way home, because I think of my mother many times.
If you bring good things one day, things won't happen. If it's not because of disappointment, I often think about what if I didn't get Mengo My work in Marley ward, where my life may go..
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