A long time ago, there was a dream, a dream destined to grow into a passionate Abu razar, embracing the fire, giving eldganar the will in endless ways to win the progress of his life. Running here today, we will always go on. Hey, they think that we have a time in our life to light the flame, find the plain and unite us because of the feeling It's like we're enjoying the time in our lives, and we'll find our glory and pain for every moment of our lives Dia today is the day of our success.
We dream of realizing our dream destiny. A life of struggle brings us here. I will stick to it until the end, because I feel like we spend the best time in our life together.
We will win because we feel that we have a time in our life, one with you I will never forget the moment of sharing glory until the truth, because it feels like we have the best time in our life. Every moment in our life is a glorious moment. Until the glory is with you, the moment comes, the moment comes, we will find the glory, for the one thing we want, for all the things in our life, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the world, for the sake of the Our time, for our time life.
很久以前有一个梦想,有一个梦想注定要成长为一个激情四射的阿布拉扎尔,与火拥抱,以无尽的方式给予埃尔德加纳尔的意志,赢得一生的进步,今天在这里运行我们会一直走下去嘿他们觉得我们有生命中的时光让我们点燃火焰找到平原让我们团结在一起因为感觉就像我们在享受生命中的时光我们会找到我们的荣耀和痛苦,为了我们生命中的每一刻Hoy es el dia今天是我们成功的日子,我们梦想着实现我们梦想的命运,一个奋斗的一生把我们带到了这里,我会坚持到最后,因为我感觉到了就像我们在一起度过我们生命中最美好的时光,我们团结在一起成为最好的将赢得胜利,因为我们感觉我们有生命中的时光,与你一起分享荣耀,直到真理的时刻我永远都不会忘记,因为这感觉就像我们拥有了生命中最美好的时光我们生命中的每一刻都是辉煌的时刻,直到荣耀与你同在,那一刻到来的那一刻到来的那一刻,我们会找到荣耀,为了我们想要的一件事,为了我们生命中的一切,为了我们的时间,为了我们的时间生命。
Whenever my children come to ask me questions, I try to be honest with them, but one night, six-year-old Peter suddenly appeared in front of me and asked my mother when you were married. Did that make you pregnant? I replied that marriage is not the reason for you to get pregnant. He insisted on how you got pregnant and didn't want to talk about such serious things before dinner.
I answered Peter, he had a naughty expression on his small face. It's a long story. He raised his head and said, don't you know.
When people are depressed, they want to change their lives and hope to have another choice. For me, no matter how bad I feel, I don't want life to come back. I have the best parents and happy family.
Although I quarrel with them sometimes, we always love and support each other. This is my best life.
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