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关于”爷爷和小明一起钓鱼“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Grandpa and Xiao Ming go fishing together。以下是关于爷爷和小明一起钓鱼的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Grandpa and Xiao Ming go fishing together

——One Sunday morning, Xiao Li and her father went to the people's Park and took a walk in the park. They found a girl crying. They came up to her and asked her what her name was and where she lived.

But the girl knew nothing about it. So they had to take her to the police station in the park, where she got good news. After a period of time, the girl's parents came They were very happy to see their children, expressed their thanks to Xiao Li and her father, and then they said goodbye to each other.




Last Saturday afternoon, my father and I were on the way home. I saw smoke coming out of a house. We thought the house must be on fire.

So we left, took a bucket of water, and then we poured the water into the window. At this time, we were happy to find that the fire was out. An aunt came out and said angrily, "why did you two pour water into my kitchen? We finally understood what we said Sorry facts.




My ideal is to be a teacher like a teacher. How great, loving and knowledgeable I am. Slowly, I began to fall in love with the teacher.

I want to be a brilliant teacher. The teacher teaches students knowledge, teaches students the truth in life, and encourages students to grow up. So many stars, professors, experts and leaders are trained teachers to see us learn School teachers work hard, he is enthusiastic about us, we study, work together, teachers like our parents think I will achieve the ideal.




标签: 小学 英文 作文 真题

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