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This concept mobile phone appeared as early as the last century, when Bell Laboratories, the largest communication company in the United States, began to try out the first so-called mobile phone in Bell laboratory. In April, Martin Cooper, a famous engineer and technician of Motorola Company in the United States, invented the world's first mobile phone. When Cooper plays with the world's first mobile phone, he can use any one In fact, the first generation of analog mobile phones rely on different frequencies to distinguish different mobile phones of different users.

The GSM system of the second generation mobile phones is very small. Users can distinguish today's differences. The frequency resources are obviously insufficient, and the mobile phone users are also growing exponentially.

Therefore, different CDMA technology machines emerge as the times require through different code updates. The application of this technology not only improves the efficiency of the system, but also increases the number of users It improves the quality and confidentiality of mobile phone calls, and reduces the radiation. Now it can be regarded as "green mobile phone".

In addition to the mobile phone with mobile phone function, it also provides users with sufficient screen size and bandwidth for easy carrying. At the same time, it also provides a broader stage for software and content services. Many value-added services can be carried out, such as stock, news, weather, etc Transportation, merchandise, APP download, music and picture download, etc.




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I think the train is one of the greatest inventions in history. Do you know who invented it? Let me tell you something about it. George Stephenson, an English engineer, did a lot of experiments and built the first train.

The first day when the train started, people along the way heard the noise and saw it running. They thought it was a monster. They ran Go home, close the door, dare not come out, but now the train is one of the most important means of transportation in the world.




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