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关于”在的一天“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:One day in。以下是关于在的一天的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One day in

Let's go to a nature park. There are many trees and flowers in the park. There are many clouds and birds in the sky.

The sun is shining. The birds are singing happily. There is a rainbow in the sky.

Red, yellow, green and blue. There are many trees and flowers in the park. The trees are green.

There is a river. There are many fish in the river. The sky is blue.

The water is clean. I love this park.




2:,My hometown is in Zhengzhou, which is not only a modern city, but also a prelude to an ancient city. Zhengzhou is a desolate small city, with muddy roads everywhere. The dust from the wind makes pedestrians unable to open their eyes when it rains.

Sand storms covered with mud also frequently visit Zhengzhou. It seems that there are only countless yellow insects on the yellow sand all over the place, liberation After blocking the sky, Zhengzhou has undergone earth shaking changes. The very straight asphalt street has replaced the muddy road surface.

The nearby second street has planted a large dry field, with branches and leaves covered by trees. The whole city is shrouded in blue sea. Zhengzhou has been called green city in recent years.

The sandstorms that once ravaged Zhengzhou are getting smaller and smaller. The sky of Zhengzhou is becoming more and more blue, and Zhengzhou is becoming more and more beautiful Li.




3:在的一天,Xiangying kindergarten is a township kindergarten founded by Xiangying township. In the early stage, 80% of the children came from peasant families. There were only four teachers and less than 30 children.

The equipment was simple and the parents were not willing to send their children to the kindergarten. It was very difficult at the beginning. However, in the past few years, due to a project funded by the government, great changes have taken place, and a new building has replaced the house made in the soil In addition, a new small playground has been built.

There are some amusement facilities in the town, which provide piano, TV and other advanced equipment for kindergartens. The number of children has increased to nearly, and the number of teachers has reached the original level. Parents are willing to send their children to kindergarten, and the number of teachers has also reached the original level.

In early years, it was difficult and nearly collapsed. Now parents are willing to send their children to kindergarten because of the government A project funded by the government has changed a lot. 80% of the children come from farmers and they want to send them there.

In the early days, the town provided a lot of advanced equipment such as piano and television for kindergartens, and set up some amusement facilities in the kindergarten. At that time, there were only four teachers and less than 30 children in Xiangying township. The number of children had increased to almost the same level, so that parents did not use a new building to replace the earth house, and built a new small playground, Xiangying kindergarten is a township kindergarten with poor equipment.




标签: 大学 英文 七年级 作文 满分

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