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关于”出国的好处和坏处“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of going abroad。以下是关于出国的好处和坏处的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of going abroad

You know, television is a great invention, but our parents always say, "stay away from TV that's bad for your eyes.". In fact, they think that we are more focused on TV programs. To be honest, TV may be harmful to our health, it will affect our study, but TV makes our life more and more colorful.

We can also open our eyes. In this world, TV has both good and bad.




2:,Now we live in the school. It is a school tradition that we share a room with other students. As the old Chinese saying goes, when the forest grows larger, there will be various birds.

More people mean a lively atmosphere and contradictions. Living with roommates can bring happiness to students and drive away loneliness. When a student lives alone, he will have no one to talk to, no one to share his sadness and happiness, his emotions can not alleviate, we are human, we live in a world full of people, we need to communicate with others, the important thing is healthy spiritual communication to make the world warm and harmonious, living with roommates can let students learn how to get along with others, but with the room There is also a negative side to living with friends, which may lead to conflicts, disputes among students, and it is difficult to assign the responsibility of cleaning the room.

When people live together for a long time, disputes will naturally occur, even our parents sometimes quarrel, so if the dispute can not be reasonably resolved, students will not live in a harmonious environment like living in a room, and have the responsibility to clean up the room. This is a very troublesome problem. Some students do not have such consciousness to fulfill their full responsibilities Living with your roommate brings me both positive and negative aspects.

I tend to support the good side. We need roommates. We can't live alone.

We should share our sadness and happiness. Others.




3:出国的好处和坏处,In urban or rural areas, people first enjoy the convenience of the city. There are many places of public entertainment, such as parks, cinemas, exhibition halls, nightclubs, and so on. There are also quite a number of schools, universities and scientific research institutions that provide good education.

Public transportation facilities are very convenient. Taxis, public buses, trolleybuses and subways can quickly take people to any part of the city. Third, there are many kinds of goods in shops and department stores, which are of high quality and low price.

Some people first like the rural scenery, which is very close to the outdoor. Secondly, the air is fresh and pure, without urban noise, air pollution and traffic jams. Thirdly, gardening and fishing here are pleasant pastimes.

However, both the city and the country have their own shortcomings. For example, urban pollution and traffic congestion are becoming more and more serious. Although living in the countryside is relatively backward, I prefer it Living in the city.






标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业 坏处

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