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关于”写苏炳添的小“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write Su Bingtian's little。以下是关于写苏炳添的小的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write Su Bingtian's little

Now, with the improvement of women's social status, more and more women have their own careers. Housework is not the only thing for women. This situation has caused a heated discussion about being a housewife or a professional woman.

Some people think that women should become professional women and only make money for themselves. They can have rights. Others do not agree with them.

They think that women should stay at home, take care of children and do housework like women. I firmly support the above reasons. On the one hand, if a woman is a housewife, she has no income, and she always needs to ask her husband for money, Maybe her husband's income is enough to support her family and he loves her very much.

She doesn't mind, but after a long time, she is not sure that her husband will not complain about her. He may think that he has a great contribution to the family, and he may ignore her contribution to the family. He can think that she just does some housework and does nothing, but now he is under too much pressure.

The domestic service industry is developing very well. We can hire a nurse. Many nurses are trained before starting work, so they may do better than ourselves.

I think gender equality is not just a slogan. As a woman, we should practice it. Work is not a man's business.

We should become a professional woman for ourselves and our family.





2:,As many women can prove, there is a difference between beauty and horror in makeup. Now, scientists have found that the right amount of cosmetics can not only affect the beauty effect, but also affect the judgment of ability and credibility, because they have a positive impact on the appearance and feeling, and a large number of cosmetics soon began to have a negative impact on the way people view personal honesty. In the study, funded by Procter & Gamble, scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston University and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute asked subjects to rate various looks in terms of ability.

According to the report released by plosoneorg, the researchers showed volunteers how to look "natural" and "professional" without makeup "We found that when people quickly saw a face, they were able to see a face quickly," Nancy etkov, an associate researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital and the lead author of the study, told ABC Women were considered to be more capable, likable, attractive and trustworthy participants found that both beauty and ability were on the rise, but with the increase in makeup, people quickly lost credibility or honesty. When people start to use more dramatic make-up, people think they are equally likable, more attractive and capable, but less trustworthy, "Etcoff's comments on news websites.







当人们开始使用更具戏剧性的妆容时,人们认为他们同样讨人喜欢,更具吸引力和能力,但不那么值得信赖,“Etcoff对新闻网站的评论(由Christine Mallari阅读Christine Mallari是中国日报网站的记者)。


3:写苏炳添的小,An armless pianist playing music with his toes won China got Liu Wei, China's top performer, was electrocuted to death and lost his arms in a "hide and seek" competition, beating seven-year-old comedian Zhang Fengxi in the final at Shanghai Stadium on Sunday. According to the Shanghai Daily, the Beijing pianist taught himself to play the piano at a young age and sang James S. Bronte's song you are beautiful, singing and playing the piano with his feet left a deep impression on the audience.

At the award ceremony, he also won the favor of the judges by commenting "at least I have perfect legs". At the invitation of Taiwan singer Yilin Tsai, he acted as a guest actor in her world tour show, which gave him the opportunity to perform in Las Vegas for three months He also won the "American version of Paul" and "Paul Potts, a British singer" and the winner of the "American Dance" series The British version of the show made Scottish singer Susan Boyle an international star. The Chinese version of the TV talent show debuted in May and steadily increased its popularity in.

The semi-final on September

1 was the most popular program in the country. According to ratings, director Jin Lei told the newspaper that the success of the show ensured that the play would continue to be broadcast next year; There are too many undeveloped grassroots talents in China, and we believe the drama will maintain its vitality and popularity in the country in three to five years, Jin said.


一位用脚趾演奏音乐的无臂钢琴家赢得了《中国达人秀》(China Got Talent)的首个系列赛冠军,中国版的热门艺人刘伟(音译)在一场《躲猫猫》(hideandseek)比赛中被电死,失去了双臂,周日在上海体育馆的决赛中击败了xx岁的喜剧演员张凤喜,据《上海日报》报道,这位来自北京的钢琴家年纪轻轻就自学弹钢琴,他演唱了詹姆斯·布朗特的歌曲《你很美》,唱歌并用脚弹钢琴,给观众留下了深刻的印象;他在颁奖典礼上还通过评论“至少我有一双完美的腿”赢得了评委的青睐应台湾歌手蔡依林的邀请,在她的世界巡回演出中担任客串演员,这使他有机会在拉斯维加斯演出三个月

1、颁奖典礼还邀请了英国版和美国版的获奖者和入围者,包括英国歌手保罗·波茨(Paul Potts),他赢得了英国达人和舞蹈团体“多元化”的首个系列节目“你很漂亮”保罗·波茨大学(Paul Potts Diversity);





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