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关于”最好的年纪“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Best age。以下是关于最好的年纪的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Best age

I have a younger sister. She was born on June 6. When she was born in Rome, she carried a birthmark on her left shoulder.

Due to this rare event, she was named "Mary", named after "the Virgin Mary". She is centimeter tall and double. She is a woman with black hair, and she has a pair of light blue eyes.

All the people she meets are called "Mary" She "Bloody Mary", because of her hair color and her hobbies, she likes to behead after playing with small animals, especially rabbits and ponies. Besides, she likes to drink Bloody Mary made of real blood. She said it would make her skin smoother.

Love my sister and she love me.




I remember one time, when I was running rice, I felt that there seemed to be an impossible task to complete. I wanted to give up. Then my teacher told me that I should not consider rice, I should set rice for myself, so that I would not be as tired as he said.

In fact, every time I finished this small goal, I was very happy. In the end, I finished running and I learned There's a lesson: we need to set the best goal, which means we can set some small goals that are easy to achieve, and then every time we achieve that small goal, we will be close to our final destination.




Some children go to school when they are four years old. Why do we discuss the age at which children should go to school is not a good question for me. First of all, from the psychological point of view, children who go to school early are forced to give birth prematurely.

Therefore, when they sit in the classroom where the students are two or three years older than they are, they bear more pressure than their peers, and they are hard to deal with other people's recognition In order to deal with the problem easily, therefore, they may lose confidence. Secondly, from the physical aspect, according to statistics, in a public school, students in at least one public school are overburdened with homework, which leads to many physical problems, such as myopia and stunted growth. Most children go to school earlier than others, and they do not get a comprehensive education.

After entering high school, they often lag behind School education should follow the natural growth of children's body and mind. It is harmful to children's body and mind to start school early. I think children should start school after the age of 7.




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