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The general of the army, the air force and the Marine Corps and an admiral were standing in front of a turret, and the general of the air force said to the others that my men were the bravest in the armed forces. Ha! Said the army, my people are the bravest. I want to prove this.

The army called a soldier from the tower and he told the second class that I want you to jump off that tower. No rope, no parachute. Yes, sir Yelling, then continuing to climb up the tower, the soldier went to the side and yelled "Hoo ah" and jumped off the tower.

He was killed on the spot in the crash. It's nothing, the air force general said boring. He called a senior pilot, I want you to jump off that tower.

No rope, no parachute. I want you to do it. Yes, sir, the senior pilot called.

He climbed to the top of the tower and walked to the side He jumped up, and he made a swan dive, which would make Greg roganis hit the ground with pride and die in the crash. The Marines roar, you will obviously forget that the Marines are here. He said that the Marines belong to all the Marines.

He called the marine corporal in the Marine Corps. I want you to jump off that tower and make the whole army proud. The corporal responded by shouting "Oh ha" and ran to the tower.

He grabs an M and ammo belt on the road and wraps his belt around him like Pancho Villa. He climbed up the tower and went to the edge. He threw two grenades into the air, Semper Fi yelled "die or die." then he jumped down.

He started shooting m in mid air, cutting off the treetops, shouting, his impact was obscured by two exploding grenades, and when the smoke dispersed, only a small number of marines were left. The others were impressed, nodded their heads in appreciation, and then the admiral said it was nothing else. Turn around and face the admirals' faces.

I don't believe the Admiral called a sailor son who was cleaning the toilet. I want you to jump off the tower. No rope, no parachute.

The sailor looked at the admiral and said, "you're doing something stupid." when the sailor left, the Admiral turned to the others and said, "that's courage." gas.



他在路上抓起一条M和弹药带,把腰带裹在自己身上,就像潘乔别墅一样。他爬上塔楼,走到边缘,他向空中扔了两颗手榴弹Semper Fi大喊“要么死,要么死”然后跳下,他开始在半空中射杀M,剪断树梢,一边大喊着,他的冲击力被两枚爆炸的手榴弹所遮蔽,当烟雾散去时,只剩下一小部分海军陆战队士兵。其他人都印象深刻,点点头表示赞赏,然后海军上将说这没什么其他的转过身去面对上将他们的脸不相信上将叫了一个正在清理厕所的水手儿子我要你从塔上跳下来没有绳子没有降落伞水手看着海军上将说你自己做傻事当海员离开时海军上将转向其他人说这就是勇气。


When it comes to courage, we all have our own limits. There has never been a hero who has not been unrestricted. I think it's fair to say that Nelson and all the other brave people, in their lives, sometimes when they know their courage has reached the limit, I found me many times, sometimes it's unexpected.

I know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattlesnake, but you can't let him sleep in a safe azo. I've never had the courage I should stand at the end of the room and face all the audience. If I try to talk through a room, I'll find myself moving around here and there, so at the turn of time I have a part of the audience behind me.

You shouldn't have any part of the audience behind you. You never know what they're going to do.




标签: 五年级 作文 万能 年级

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